“Grounded for a month. She’s taking my phone and the only time I’m allowed to have my car is to and from school. She’s taking the doorknob off my door completely, so I can’t lock it. She’s going way too far because I freaked her out by not being t

here this morning. What happened to your alarm? What did your parents say?”

I frown with guilt. “It was on vibrate and I didn’t feel it. My parents said we would talk tonight. I guess I’ll have to tell you about it tomorrow.”

Last night wasn’t worth it if I can’t talk to her whenever I want for a month! Next time I see her outside of school, I’ll be going to the wedding with her. That is, as long as my parents don’t take that away from me too.

“Sorry,” we both say, which causes us to laugh.

The warning bell rings, so I kiss her cheek and go to my own class. This next month is going to suck.

“We’ve been thinking about how we’re going to handle this all day. We’ve already let you know that we were worried about your behavior where Haley was concerned and you’ve disappointed us. I don’t want hear whatever excuse you have ready,” Dad tells me.

“Rita was worried to death when she called this morning,” Mom begins. “She didn’t know if something happened to Haley, if she was hurt or in harm’s way, and all because you two wanted to see each other.”

Dad takes a deep breath. “We’re taking the car. You’ll ride with Cam to and from school and practice. We’re taking your phone and video games as well. For precaution, we’ll be taking Cam’s keys before we go to bed, so you don’t talk him into seeing her or sneaking out.”

All I can do is nod. I’m not sure if speaking is allowed or will inflict more punishment. I feel bad. They’re disappointed in me and Cam won’t be able to sneak out and see Jess. No racing for who knows how long because they haven’t said when I’ll get my stuff back.

“Do you have anything to say?” Mom asks.

“I’m sorry.”

They nod, but Dad only says, “Get your keys, game system, and phone, and put them in our bedroom.”

“Yes, sir.” I stand and jog up the stairs. As I’m gathering my things, Cameron walks into my room and plops down onto my bed. “I’m sorry,” I tell him.

“Why are you apologizing to me?”

“Because you have to take me to school and back, plus they’re taking your keys before they go to bed, so I can’t use your truck to leave.”

“Seriously?” he asks, sitting up. “That means I can’t go see Jess! Damn, Keelan, way to mess up everyone’s life. How long am I grounded with you?” he mumbles.

“I don’t know. They didn’t say.”

Cameron groans. “Haven’t you learned anything in all the years I’ve been dating Jess? You gotta be careful, Keelan.”

“Get off my back, Cam. I said I was sorry.” Before he can reply, I bundle everything in my arms and then drop it off in my parents’ bedroom. He’s disappeared into his bedroom and closed the door by the time I make it back.

Great, not only am I grounded, but I’ve pissed off my brother too. The only positive I see is this could be my excuse to not see Natalie for a while. I like Kiera and Frances, but not Natalie. She hasn’t done anything but stress me out since she re-entered my life. I don’t want her in it anymore. Or, I only want limited contact with her. Maybe this month will give me time away from her to figure it out.

With all my free time, I do my homework, plus work ahead on some papers and presentations we were assigned. I eventually get sick of schoolwork. I’m bored out of my mind with nothing to do. How am I going to survive a month of this?

It takes only two days into being grounded for my parents to let Natalie know why I was “ignoring her phone calls.” It takes two weeks before my parents realize I am using being grounded as a way to avoid her. Luckily, I’m able to avoid her for another week before giving in and agreeing to have dinner with her one Saturday evening.

The plan is to tell her that I would like it if all communication initiation is left to me. Then I won’t have to dodge her calls or answer them and I can control how often I talk to her. I feel like I need more control where is she concerned.

As usual, we meet at Elsie’s. I wish Keira had come with her, so it wouldn’t be just the two of us, but I didn’t get that lucky this time. Natalie is already seated at a booth, and I walk over and sit across from her.

“How’s being grounded?” she asks with a smile.

“It sucks.”

She laughs. A waitress comes to take our orders before leaving us alone for the moment. “Well, I’m sorry to hear that even though I can’t blame the Sandersons for their reaction. Are they still allowing you to date that girl?”

“Yes, Haley is still my girlfriend,” I confirm, though it doesn’t feel like it. How can she be when I barely see her? Seeing her during school doesn’t count at all.

Natalie frowns. “Oh.”