“You look pretty.”
Haley rolls her eyes. “Give me your parent-approved-in-case-they’re-watching kiss on the cheek, so I can go home before I get you in more trouble.”
I laugh, kiss her cheek, and then see her off. Once her car disappears down the road, I go inside and fall into bed, promptly falling asleep.
Everything that could possibly go wrong for us in this game happens. Incomplete passes, fumbles, Cam getting sacked repeatedly, and countless interceptions. Coach is so pissed he can barely speak in complete sentences afterward. Hell is coming for us. There is no doubt about that. No one speaks as we load onto the bus. Coach is last and he stands at the front, staring us down.
“Talking and a running air conditioner are privileges earned by winners. Y’all aren’t winners. Y’all are losers. Losers don’t deserve to talk and they don’t deserve A/C. If any one of you decide to crack a window, expect to run all day tomorrow.” With that, he takes a seat. Many of us are sure to be repressing a groan.
A bus full of sweaty football players and stinky equipment without air conditioner is a nightmare. For the first thirty minutes, no one speaks for fear of punishment. The roar of the bus’s engine will cover up whispers if they’re quiet enough.
“Such a bastard,” I hear Seth comment from the seat behind me, his voice just loud enough for us to hear. “He’s only doing it because he wants to retire. I heard him talking about how he’ll retire once he wins his next championship.”
That explains why he’s ridin’ us so hard and putting a mountain of pressure on us. I’m not sure this is the way to motivate us though. Seems like we’re all just pissed off. But then again, anger is a good fuel to motivate.
My phone vibrates and I swipe the screen to see a text from Haley.
Haley: Sorry y’all lost. :/
Me: Not as sorry as we are. Coach turned off a/c and said we couldn’t talk.
Haley: Seriously? He can do that?
Me: Apparently. Will you be ready at midnight?
Haley: YES! Who are you racing? I forgot to ask.
Me: Alan.
Haley: Can we go to the water tower afterward?
Her text makes me smile. For someone who was so against it because of her fear of getting caught, she loves the thrill of it now.
Me: Yeah, we can.
We text until I arrive back on campus. Coach surprises us all with his simple dismissal and no mention of practice or meeting at the weight room tomorrow. We’re not complaining though. I head home, jumping into the shower first, and then go to my room to wait. I work on a paper that’s due Monday that I haven’t started yet.
Mom and Dad turn in a little after eleven. They stay awake long enough to catch the weather and then they go to bed. I manage to get a good chunk of my paper done before Cam and I are sneaking downstairs and outside to our vehicles. He leaves for Dead Man’s Curve while I drive to Haley’s. I laugh to myself when she comes jogging from the house before I can text her that I’m here.
“Let’s go,” she says as she slides into the passenger seat.
“No hello?” I tease.
She laughs, leans over, and kisses me. These are the best kisses from her. She’s excited about the race and it causes any shyness or whatever may hold her back to disappear. When I feel her lighten the pressure of her lips, I sneak a hand behind her neck to hold her in place. She tastes like chocolate, which is surprising both because it’s unexpected and because it’s turning me on.
Haley pulls away with a laugh. “Hello. Let’s go; we’re going to be late.”
My hand is still on her neck, so I tug her back to me. Her mouth is parted, giving me the perfect opportunity to slide my tongue back into her mouth. I don’t care if we’re late. Haley moans when I nip her lower lip before I release my hold on her. “You taste like chocolate.”
A sheepish smile graces her face. “I ate a Hershey bar right before you got here,” she explains as I back onto the road and turn on my headlights. “How many times are we racing?”
“As many times as you want,” I tell her. Tonight is a betting night, so we’re doing the best three out of five. That will allow Haley to get her fill, at the very least. She’s smiling when I glance over.
Alan is on the left hand side, so I come to a stop on the right. We get out and Haley meets me to walk over to where Alan is standing in front of his car.
“What’s up?” I say as we fist pump.
“Ready to kick your ass. Hey, Haley.”