“Mom already said she would take me shopping.” He loses the grin. “Can I bring a date?” Might as well get all the wedding talk over and done with.

“Of course, Haley. I’ll let Tonya know.”

“Great, thanks.” Maybe I’m setting him up for failure, but I’m disappointed in him. He didn’t ask whom my date would be or if we’re driving home that night or anything. “Coach Spell wants to see me,” I sort of lie. Coach always wants to see us after a match, so there’s some truth in the statement even if Coach isn’t going out of his way to get me to come over.

Dad gives me a hug and says, “I can’t stay for your doubles match. I’ll see you soon, okay?”

I nod. Then he’s gone. After grabbing a bottle of water, I walk over to Coach who gives me pointers, and then over to Mom and Walter, who are now watching Jess’s match. It seems I had the only opponent with super powers. I sit next to them on the bench.

“I think Dad was hoping I’d let Tonya take me shopping for a dress to wear. I told him you already said you’d take me,” I tell her.

“We’ll go next weekend.” She wraps an arm around my shoulders. “I’m sorry about your match.”

“It’s okay.”

“Just think,” Walter begins, “you’ll be like her when we play together.”

I laugh. “Hopefully, you won’t feel like me afterward.”

“Hope not. Want to go to Mrs. Elsie’s for ice cream after your doubles match?”

“Maybe,” I answer him. We’ll see how the doubles match goes. At least, Jess won hers. I’m not sure how we’ll hold up against her opponent combined with mine though.

I soon find out we don’t hold up well at all. Jess had to battle hard for her win, but with that superstar on the other side of the net, we had no hope at all. I think the match was over as soon as it started; it felt that quick. Our season is over and we couldn’t even end it on a good note. I feel bad because I didn’t play like I wanted.

So, when Walter asks about Elsie’s, I turn them down to stay at the courts. I wait until everyone leaves, feeling crummier and crummier by the second. What is wrong with me this week? Dad started it off by ruining it with the wedding invite, then Wade was a dumb guy, and now my season is over. Last year, my team not only made it to the state championships, but we won. This year? Ha.

All I need is a good long session with the wall, an opponent I can beat. I start rallying, enjoying the movements of my body, hitting the ball harder than I need to. My grunts are loud and borderline animalistic as they come from deep down in me. The sweat pouring off me now is from hard work. Before, it was from trying to keep up with the girl with super powers.

But then I miss my own return.

I scream in frustration before hurling my racquet at the wall.

“What did the wall and racquet do to you?”

With a squeal, I turn to see Keelan. “What are you doing here?”

“Jess said you were still here.”

I glance over at her house. I forgot she had a clear view of the courts. Keelan’s fingers intertwining with mine pull my attention back to him. He pulls me into his arms.

“Rough day, Hales?”

“Rough week,” I correct. “Think your parents will be okay with some hammock time?”

“Yeah. Are you hungry?”

I look up at him and see his beautiful smile. “You haven’t eaten yet?”

“I grabbed a snack before I came here, but I’m starving. Let’s go to Elsie’s.”

After I pick up my racquet and spare balls, we drive separately to the diner, which is very popular tonight. So popular that we have to wait for a table. Keelan has an arm around my waist, and he squeezes my hip for my attention.

“Everything is set for Friday.”

A grin pops onto my face. “That’s the best thing I’ve heard all day! I could really use the rush.”

“Thought that would make you smile.” He leans down to quickly and chastely kiss my lips. He kisses my cheek and then just below my ear, adding in a whisper, “Maybe I can personally give you a rush later.”