But the funniest thing happens. He gets an almost guilty look on his face. “Nothing really. Wade was being a jerk after some talk during weight lifting.”

Some talk during weight lifting?

“Sort of like locker room type talking?”

Seth nods. My stomach plummets. Keelan was talking about us like that? My Keelan? I can’t believe it. Something was obviously said though; why else would Wade ask me such a question? Before Seth can say another word, the bell rings and our teacher starts talking. I sink into my seat, feeling as if every single person now knows that I haven’t had sex with Keelan. They shouldn’t, but I don’t know who overheard Wade. Or who he’s mentioned it to since their second period class.

Suddenly, I don’t feel so well. My hand shoots up before I can change my mind.

“Yes, Haley?”

“Can I go see the nurse?” If I complain enough, she might send me home early.

My teacher nods. “Go ahead.”

I bolt out of the room, ignoring the snickering, which is probably coming from the annoying football player at fault here. When I make it into the office, it turns out the nurse isn’t here today. I call my mom instead. I want to leave. I don’t want to face Keelan. I don’t want to face anyone. I want to go home.


“Mom,” I begin.

“Haley? What’s wrong? Is everything okay?”

“I think I’m getting sick. Can you tell the secretary I have permission to go home early?” I can drive to school, but can’t check myself out early without permission.

“What’s wrong? You don’t think you can make it through your last class?”

“No. Please, Mom?”

She’s quiet for a moment before I hear a small sigh. “Okay. Let me talk to her.” I hand t

he phone back to the secretary.

A few minutes later, I’ve retrieved my things and am on the way home. I’m almost scared to hear the full story from Keelan. This will buy me more time before I have to ask him about it. I know if I were to see him after school, and I would have, I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from asking.

At home, I get my homework done and out of the way. The moment I see school is out for the day, I realize my biggest mistake.

I’ll miss practice today.

Which means I can’t play in the game tomorrow.

One of the last two we have.


My phone beeps with a text, and I reluctantly check it.

Keelan: Seth told me what happened & that you left early. Can I come by after practice?

What does it mean that he hasn’t tried to explain or say sorry yet? I don’t want to avoid him anymore than I already have though.

Me: Yes. Mom and Walter should be here.

He told me at lunch what his parents said. I don’t want to get him in trouble. I feel bad enough that they think I’m a bad influence. Me! I’m not the girl who is racing. I’m not usually the one asking Keelan to sneak out. And I definitely wasn’t the one who started climbing up water towers first. Jess thought it was hilarious his parents are implementing that, which tells me there is no such rule with Cameron. They are the ones who need it!

But whatever. It is what it is. I like his parents too much, despite this, to react in any way other than just going with it.

Today is going to be hard enough as it is. I’ve yet to tell Mom about Dad’s wedding and I can’t put it off too much longer. I’ll most likely have to spend the night there and come home in the morning, and because Keelan is going, I don’t know how that is going to work. We can’t book a hotel room; we’re too young. Our parents wouldn’t allow it anyway. I don’t want to ask Dad what to do. Unless Mom is okay with me making the two-hour drive late in the night, then I don’t know how I’m going to the wedding. I still don’t even know if I want to attend.