“We want this,” I add.
“So do we,” Mom tells us. “But we’re still going to wait. You both have a lot going on right now, and we don’t want that influencing your decision to do this.”
Cam opens his mouth to argue, but I nudge him with my elbow and say, “Okay. We can do that.” If he keeps arguing with her, he’s going to prove her point and make her think he’s only doing it because of how he’s struggling more with all of his unknowns.
“Yeah, we can,” he agrees.
“Good. Dinner will be ready in a few minutes.” Dad returns to the stove, which smells like spaghetti, and Mom finishes getting the salad ready.
While it shouldn’t be odd, having everything go back to normal with Cameron and Jess is a little odd. I’m not complaining though. It’s good that she’s let everyone off the hook with the silent treatment. I know Haley is happy to have her friend back. The school day passes before I know it, and I run out to the parking lot to catch Haley before she leaves for tennis practice.
“Hales,” I call out as she opens her car door. She turns with a smile. I come to a stop before her with a smile of my own and rest my hands on her hips, turning her to face me completely. “Want to come over after practice to do homework?”
“Sure. I’d be calling you to help me anyway. Science hates me.”
I grin. “Good thing it likes one of us.”
She laughs. “True. I need to go.”
“I want to kiss you,” I whisper. One would think that spontaneity is better, that surprising a girl with a kiss is the best way to go, but I disagree. At least in Haley’s case. She revels in the anticipation. The corners of her mouth lift only a little as she tries to suppress a smile and she swallows hard while she waits. She gives me the slightest of nods. I dip my head down, press my lips to hers, and enjoy how she leans into me.
Too soon, she’s pulling away with a smile. “I’ll see you later, Keelan.”
And I can’t wait.
A loud, shrieking of a whistle officially drags me away from her as Coach yells, “Moore, one minute before you’re running laps! Let’s go!”
I kiss her one more time, a quick peck of my lips, and say, “See ya, Hales,” before turning and jogging toward the weight room where I’ll change before practice. I finish just into time for Coach to demand we start our warm ups and laps. Our practice field isn’t really a field. Well, not a football field. It’s a large lot of a grass beside the school. Some of the equipment we use is there but that’s pretty much it.
We pla
y our games at the local stadium a few miles away. This week’s game is an away game, but it’s a big one. If we lose, we also lose our ranking as the number one team in our division. Coach is determined to work us hard so we don’t drop to the second slot. I won’t say that the extra drills, extra laps, and extra thirty minutes in the weight room after practice is unnecessary, but I will say it’s exhausting.
Somehow, I have to go home, shower, and then do homework. I perk up some at the thought that homework will be with Haley. If I don’t fall asleep in the shower first. Cam tells me he’s going to Jess’s, surprise, surprise. What does surprise me is that neither Mom and Dad are home when I get there.
There’s a note on the fridge that they were invited out to dinner with some of their friends and we’d have to fend for ourselves. I laugh to myself when I see Mom added a P.S. that she would bring home pizza if needed. I’ll fix myself a sandwich after a shower. Haley will be here soon. I would’ve had more time, but with Coach holding practice late, I’m short on it.
I quickly shower, dress, and am hurrying down the stairs when the doorbell dings. I jog to the door and swing it open. A grin pops onto my face.
“Hey, Hales.” I step aside, so she can come in.
“Hey. How was practice?”
“I think Coach is trying to kill us.” She laughs. “You?”
“Coach Spell likes us. It went well.”
“Mind if I fix me a sandwich? I haven’t eaten yet.” Haley shakes her head, so I lead her into the kitchen. “Think we’ll be able to do our homework in my room?” For once, I’m thinking about Haley and my bed in the same thought and none of it is tainted. I’m tired and would rather lie down and be comfortable while we do it than have to sit at the kitchen table.
“I think so,” Haley agrees.
“Sweet.” I grab my sandwich, hand Haley two cans of soda, and then grab my book bag from the kitchen table where I dropped it when I got home. We go upstairs and to my room, me devouring my ham and cheese sandwich on the way there.
“I don’t know if I should be a bit impressed or worried that you ate it that fast,” Haley laughs softly.
“Impressed,” I decide for her.
We set up our textbooks and other materials at the foot of my bed. Haley climbs on first and lies on her stomach. I follow her.