“Yeah, you look beautiful.”
Her grin widens. “I want this one.”
Natalie nods and Keira disappears behind the door to change out of it. “Shoes are next,” she tells me.
The rest of the day goes more smoothly. Natalie doesn’t bring up any more family members. She lets Keira do most of the talking. The girl loves to talk, so there’s never a lull in conversation. I like her though. What does that mean? Is she now a part of my family? Do I need to answer how I have a brother and a sister if someone asks? What does this mean for my family? Can I invite her over, but not Natalie? Or are they a package deal? Keira wouldn’t really threaten the life I have now. Cameron could gain a sister, too.
They follow me back to my house, and it’s weird to have them there.
“You grew up here?” Keira asks in awe as she stares at the house.
“It’s so nice.”
“Yes, it is,” Natalie agrees.
I lead the way into the house. Mom and Dad stand to greet them, asking how the shopping trip went.
“We found me a dress,” Keira answers with a smile.
“We had a blast,” Natalie adds.
“Can I see your room?” Keira asks me.
She and Natalie follow me up the stairs. As we pass Cameron’s room, I wonder how things are going for him. They admire my trophies and glance around my room. Keira seems to be soaking it in, while I feel like Natalie is assessing it. Or maybe I’m looking for a reason not to like her even more. They comment about how they like my room, and then we’re back downstairs with my parents. Luckily, Mom takes over.
She shows them pictures of when I was younger, telling stories of my childhood, and I’m so grateful she’s doing it instead of me. In nearly all the pictures, Cameron is by my side. We’re the best of siblings. When Keira asks where he is, Dad answers, “He’s spending time with his girlfriend today.”
I raise an eyebrow at him.
“I’m going to put the chicken on the grill.”
“I’ll help,” I offer. We grab the chicken from the kitchen and walk to the back porch. “What’s going on with Cameron?” I ask. I texted him earlier, but he didn’t reply. I want to ask if he’s still planning to have sex with Jess, but that’s not really the kind of question you ask your dad.
Dad sighs as he begins to lay the chicken on the grill. “Sometimes, I wish I knew what was really going through his head. He’s supposed to talk to her, figure out if there’s something
more to it, and tell her he isn’t ready. Something more is bothering him, but he won’t tell me what.”
“He’s scared of losing her.”
Dad shakes his head. “I don’t think that will happen, and I think it’s more than that. I’m just hoping he won’t give in because he’s worried about losing her if he doesn’t. I’ve never seen him like he was this morning.”
That makes me worry. Cameron is the calm, cool, fun guy. I’m going to be really pissed if Jess freaks on him or makes him feel bad for not having sex with her yet.
Dad, wanting to change the subject, asks, “How was shopping really?”
I sigh. “I like Keira more than Natalie.” Dad laughs, but stops as I go on to explain what happened when she mentioned my birth father. “I’m tired of people pushing me, Dad.”
He closes the grill top and throws an arm around my shoulders. “I know you are. Mom is trying to be better about it. I think she does it because she knows what you’re afraid of, and she doesn’t want you not to do it because of that. As for Natalie, maybe she is trying too hard, but it’s only because she wants to get to know how amazing you are.”
“Would you be okay with me visiting a man in prison? Even if he was my birth father? Honestly? Not the parent-encouraging-child answer, the real answer you can tell me when Mom isn’t around.”
I watch as his white eyelids blink a few times as he thinks it over. Dad knows whatever it was my parents did to land in jail and I’m wondering if that will affect his answer. He clears his throat. “No, I wouldn’t want you to go.” My shoulders sag with relief. “However, if you wanted to go, I think Mom and I would have to discuss it before we gave you the green light or not. It won’t be like how we were with Natalie.”