Everyone seems to arrive at the same time. Coach Spell sends us straight to our stretching and only a few laps before he sends us, four a court, to rally for warming up. Jess stops to wave and blow a kiss to Cam when she notices they arrive. I only smile at Keelan. His returning grin is heart stopping.

“So, how many times have you kissed Keelan?” Jess asks as the ball is returned to us.

I completely miss the hit. “Jess!” I glare at her. “How can I get ready for tennis if you keep asking me that?” I ignored her when she asked the moment we got here and that has only made her ask me more. She’s relentless.

She shrugs nonchalantly. “I’m curious. Cam said you were over there again last night.”

I groan. Cameron has a big mouth. I swivel on my feet to face where the guys are sitting on the bench on the other side of the fence. “Stop telling her everything, Cam!”

The brothers look confused, and it makes Jess laugh. “Just tell me.”

“I don’t want to,” I say for the millionth time. Kissing Keelan is one thing, but telling people, even my new closest friend, is another thing. It’s private.

“You don’t think he hasn’t told Cam and that I could easily find out anyway?”

I falter during my return, the ball hitting the net. Would Keelan tell his brother about that? Did he tell him about the hilarious way we fell out of the hammock?

“Hold your freak out,” Jess laughs. “I was kidding. Wow, you really don’t want anyone to know what you two do, do you?”

I force a laugh to hide that I was indeed freaking out. It’s just the thought of someone else knowing and being included in what’s already an intense moment is scary. “I’d rather it be on my own terms if I do discuss it,” I say instead because that’s part of the truth as well.

Jess nods. “Okay. I’ll patiently wait on all the dirty details of you and Keelan then. It’s been forever since he’s had a girlfriend. and I didn’t like her, so it’s not like I could hear about his love life from her.”



“Please shut up.”

She laughs and we focus on the job at hand. Finally. Coach Spell calls us together for his pregame speech. It’s nothing special or motivational. He simply reminds us each of our strengths and to do our best.

My first set goes okay. My opponent wins it though. It’s as if I’m off-kilter or something. My swings are a moment too late, my aims slightly

off, and my feet too slow. I get killed in the second set. I try to remind myself that the girl is simply good, so it’s possible my play isn’t as bad as it seems, she’s just that good. Her serves are strong and fast. Her returns are spot on and I’m running back and forth across the court like crazy because she keeps hitting them on opposite ends when she can. Plus, every so often, she manages to hit it so it lands close to the net on my side. I suck at the front of the net! And then, there’s the disaster of the doubles match. I’m so out of sync with Jess and we get clobbered.

My shoulders droop after shaking hands with the winners. Of course, I have to lose in front of Keelan. My eyes widen when I turn to see not only my father but also Carly standing next to Cameron and Keelan. They’re talking! What is he doing here? Why is he talking to Keelan? Why did he bring Carly? How can I escape? I’m overwhelmed by all my feelings. Anger. Hurt. Envy. But I have to admit to a twinge of happiness.


I snap out of my stare and turn to Jess frantically. “Please, please, please find a way to get Keelan away from him.”

“Who is it?”

“My dad!”

“Aside from the obvious, we don’t want him around Keelan...why? You’re really freaking out, Haley.”

“Because I’m not talking to him!” I rush out in a whisper. “He cheated on my mom, and that girl is part of his new family. Tell me how I can leave without anyone noticing.”

Jess gives me sad eyes as she wraps an arm around my shoulders and we begin to walk to the court exit. “We’re in wide open spaces. There’s no way to leave without them noticing, especially when they’ve already spotted us.”

As if this couldn’t get any worse, Walter and Mom are standing near Coach Spell, who is gathering everyone around. They aren’t frowning because I lost. They know Dad is here. I quickly run to them first.

“I didn’t invite him,” I blurt out. “Can you get rid of him? Please? I’m not ready, Mom.”

“Haley!” Coach Spell yells.

Crap. I’m the only one not there. I give one last pleading look at Mom and Walter before jogging away. I stand so I can see what happens next. Mom and Walter exchange a few words as Keelan, Cam, Dad, and Carly get closer. My heart hammers faster in my chest as Walter walks over to Dad; Cam and Keelan break away from him. Why isn’t Mom talking to him? Why did she send Walter?