Page 75 of Without a Doubt

Eva sits up, propping herself up on one arm. “What are you talking about?”

“That Sunday when you made Glen take me back home? She called after the football game, but I didn't answer and I deleted the voicemail on my way to see you. Then, after you sent me home, she called again. I was frustrated, so I answered and told her to stop calling. She hung up on me and I haven't gotten another call since.”

Any time Kelly comes up in conversation, it seems like we take a step or two backward, and I have to work extra hard to return Eva to where we are in our relationship. Even now, Kelly for all intents and purposes is out of my life completely and she still manages to wiggle her way in. I grab the hand that's resting on her thigh, interlacing our fingers, and resting them on my bare stomach since the covers moved to my waist when she sat up.

“I don't know if I'll ever get used to this,” Eva says, speaking before I can.

My stomach drops, thinking she's talking about Kelly. “Get used to what?” I ask quietly.

She lies down, resting her head on my chest. “Us. You.” She breathes heavily, her hot breath skirting along my skin. “It's too much, yet the right amount.”

My head feels like I suffered from whiplash. I was expecting something bad, those two steps back that seem to follow us, but Eva's not having it this time.

“I know what you mean,” I tell her. It's like what balances us is constantly teetering, threatening to lean too heavily on one side and just when you think it will tilt over, we balance back out. Almost too much, but not quite. Those three words I want to say to her are on the tip of my tongue. I want to tell her, I want her to say them back, but most of all, I want to say aloud how much she means to me. “I have a surprise for you,” I say instead.

Eva lifts her head with a grin. “When do I get to have it?”

“Now, if you want it.”

“Of course I do!” she claims, her eyes slightly widen and her head tilted in a duh expression.

I lean over to open the bottom drawer of my nightstand. There it is, a key to my apartment lying on top of the mess inside. I pick it up, enclosing my fist around it so she can't see it yet. She's sitting up with her legs folded underneath her and the blankets cover her from the waist down. Her eyes are following my movements eagerly, trying to peek at what I have.

Clearing my throat, I'm suddenly nervous. With a deep breath, I exhale the anxiety and begin to speak. “You stay over a lot and I thought I would give you one in case you ever needed it.” I open my hand, palm up, the shiny silver key feeling weightless in my hand.

Eva's staring at my hand like this is a huge moment. God, is it? Should I have made a bigger deal out of this? I almost wish I gave this big emotional speech, but I didn't think this was a moment requiring one. She picks it up as if it's something precious and finally lifts those blue beauties to meet mine.

“Thanks, Emerson.”

“You're welcome.” We both glance at the key and I realize I forgot the keychain I bought for her. Shit. “I have one more thing for you.” This time, I get up and walk over to my closet. I was in a rush for work earlier this week and I tossed it in here. I pick up the bag from the floor. With my back facing her, I make quick work of removing the tag and throwing the stuff back into my closet. I hold it up as I return to the bed. It's simple. A silver E hangs from a chain. “E for Emerson or Eva,” I shrug, handing it to her.

“Thank you.” She slips the key onto the ring and smiles. “Does this mean I can come over unannounced and whenever I want?”

“You do that already,” I tease.

Her laugh rings out across the room. “Yeah, but this,” she holds up the key, “gives me permission.” Her stomach growls loudly as my phone rings.

The moment I see who it is, I know my day with Eva is about to be cut short. It's what always happens when it's work. I wasn't supposed to go in until two, but someone had a family emergency. I let my boss know I'll be there shortly to work yet another double shift. I can't complain too much. For one, it's extra money. Two, I told him I would work whenever he needed me. I'm his first or second call, depending on if one of the others needs to pick up extra shifts.

“You're leaving?” Eva frowns.

“Yeah, sorry.” I lean over to kiss her on the corner of her mouth before getting out of bed. “But you can stay as long as you want now that you have a key.”

Her lips lift a little. “That does make it better.”

A dip in my bed alerts me, but doesn't completely wake me up. Am I dreaming about those soft hands roaming over my chest? What about the hot, open-mouthed kisses on my collarbone and now my neck? The hands disappear, but my eyes immediately open when those hands slip beneath my sweatpants and boxers to wrap around the most awake part of my body.

Eva is straddling my legs with a

sexy smirk. “I officially love having a key.” She moves her hands to the waistband and begins to tug. I lift my hips to help her. Eva had to work yesterday too and she was tired afterward, so she stayed at the dorm. Her unexpected visits are always welcomed, but I can get used to those that start like this. “I woke up, nearly out of my mind with need thanks to a dream I had, so I came over. You don't mind, do you?” I'm now completely naked and she's shimmying out of her yoga pants.

“No, not at all.”

My phone rings and I groan. I swear to God, if it's work, I'm not answering.

“Don't even look,” Eva orders as I go to reach for it. She's naked and crawling up my body. She's a woman on a mission. Who am I to disobey? I groan as she strokes me. My phone rings again, but I barely pay attention as all my senses are focused in one place and on one person. “I'm turning it off,” Eva says, reaching over with her free hand to do so while not breaking her pace.

“Do whatever you want,” I rasp.