Page 67 of Without a Doubt

I jump at the sound of Emerson's voice. I look over my shoulder to see him standing behind the couch. “Yeah, I'm fine.”

“Good because my parents invited my brothers, their families, my aunt, uncle, and cousins over. They should be here shortly.”

“I forgot about you having brothers,” I tell him honestly. He's only mentioned them once. “Wow, everyone?” I breathe, suddenly feeling nervous after being rattled by his mother.

Emerson notices and comes around to sit next to me, taking my hand and interlocking our fingers. “You don't need to worry; they'll love you.”

“I'm not worried,” I reply automatically. He gives me a pointed look before glancing down at my legs, which are bouncing. I force myself to stop. “Do we need to help or...” I let my voice trail off.

“Come on.” He stands and leads me outside. Near the building they have, there's a concrete patio with a grill and wooden swing. We sit down and he tucks me into his side. “Dad will be out here in a few minutes to start the grill. You have me to yourself until then.”

“What are your brothers like?”

Emerson sighs. “Drew is the oldest and just like my dad. He's a firefighter and married with a baby on the way. Luke is immature and he actually attends the university, too. He's a senior.” His brother goes to the same school as us? “We get along, but it's probably because we aren't around one another a lot.”

“Anyone I should be nervous about?”

“Luke,” he answers immediately. “He's cocky and he hasn't quite matured. You really don't have anything to worry about, but if it makes you feel better, you can stick close to me.”

“I was planning to do that anyway.”

Emerson laughs, my tensions easing away. Just like he said, his dad appears to start the grill. His family members begin to arrive as well. First, his uncle and his family, and then Drew and his wife arrive. Luke shows up when we're about to sit down at the table to eat. My stomach drops when I see him. Oh, God. No. This guy can't be his brother. He looks nothing like Emerson with his blond hair, and tall, extremely built body.

“Hey, Luke,” Mrs. Montgomery says. “This is Emerson's girlfriend, Eva. Eva, this is my wild child,” she laughs.

“Eva?” he says, looking surprised and then smug. I hate him the moment he adds, “Are you sure it's not Catherine?”

I wince and Emerson notices. I don't have to look at him to know he's confused. They all are. “It's Eva,” I grit.

“Why would you ask that?” Emerson asks.

“Because we've met before, and she told me her name was Catherine,” Luke explains as if we're discussing the weather.

I swallow hard as it truly hits me. I've slept with Emerson's brother. Three times. The first time, it was in the beginning of my freshman year and Catherine and I were drinking a lot at a party. We got this bright idea to pretend to be each other. So, I went around, telling everyone my name was Catherine. It should be noted that I'm a lightweight when it comes to drinking and I get extremely horny once I'm drunk.

Enter Luke.

He was there and we talked until he led me to a bedroom where we had sex. I was a bit wild that year, especially with the newfound freedom I seemed to have, and my life motto of going with the flow meant I would sleep with a stranger I met at a stupid party. At least where Luke was concerned. He was good too. Good enough that I remembered how good the next morning.

I slept with him two more times my freshman year. Both times while drunk and after having crappy experiences with a guy. It was becoming a bad habit. As I started learning more about myself, I realized I couldn't hook up with a guy every time I went out with a jerk. I needed more and I needed to be sober. It was almost four times, but I was practically sober and I realized I couldn't do it anymore.

My experience with Luke is what caused me to be sure to wait before sleeping with guys and to not sleep with just anyone for the sake of sex. If it's something worthwhile, the sex can wait. And it's unlikely that sleeping around will lead to a relationship, which is what I truly wanted. It's what I've always wanted. For goodness sake, it's why I chose the college I did. To find love like my parents did.

He gives me the stupid panty-dropping grin that I've seen before. Emerson doesn't get a chance to ask another question when Luke asks me, “Are you going to be able to keep your hands off of me now since you're dating my brother? Why would you tell me your name was Catherine anyway?”

Everyone is staring at me, probably wondering what the hell is going on. How am I going to explain this? How am I going to tell Emerson? Is this going to be a deal breaker for him?

“Are you sure—” Emerson begins.

“I never forget,” he glances leisurely over my body, “the face of someone I've seen naked,” Luke quickly interjects and I wish I could throw something at his grinning face. Everyone is here. He just said that in front of his parents, his entire family!

Embarrassment and rage overcomes me. “I can't believe you!” I explode.

“Hey, I never promised not to kiss and tell,” he smirks. Luke's emphasis on 'kiss' leaves no room to mistake we did more than that.

Having everyone's eyes on me is too much. “Biggest mistake of my life,” I mutter as I quickly brush past Emerson and walk out of the room, through the house, and into the backyard. How could he tell everyone in his family, in front of my boyfriend and his own brother, that we slept together? I knew sleeping with him was going to bite me in the ass one day. I plop into the swing and lean forward to bury my face in my hands. There's no way I can ever face anyone in the house again.

The swing shifts as someone sits next to me.