“Don't tell me you're my surprise,” I joke breathlessly, breaking our kiss and moving my hand to his thigh after a teasing squeeze.
“I wish.” His brow furrows as if he's just now realizing what I'm wearing. “Why are you in a hoodie?”
“I didn't want to waste time with a bra.” The heat in his eyes burns hotter. “What's my surprise, Emerson?” I ask to get us back on track.
“Would you have still come had I not mentioned one?”
“Yes, but maybe not as fast,” I grin. “You know, you're slacking with manners now that you're my boyfriend.”
“How so?”
“You made me come all this way for a surprise which may not exist. You didn't meet me at the dorm entrance at least and it's dark! What happened to not wanting me to walk alone at night? And you didn't open the truck door for me. You're slacking.”
He laughs. “I'm sorry. I will do better.”
“You set my expectations high in the beginning. I'm just saying.” I shrug, trying not to smile.
“Well, the surprise does exist,” he says. As he reaches out, I notice the two Styrofoam cups from a fast food restaurant. “If you're like me, I interrupted you doing your homework and I thought we could both use a break. And by break, I mean, drinking milkshakes. Chocolate or vanilla?”
“Vanilla,” I answer and he hands me one of the cups. “Thanks, Emerson.”
He nods and we begin to suck hard on the straws. I love milkshakes from this place because they are so thick and delicious. By the time you finally get a good flow going, your cheeks ache, but it's well worth it.
“Tell me about this weekend. What's the plan?”
“Well,” I begin. “I thought I could stay with you Saturday night. Glen could pick us up Sunday morning and we would drive up. I want to visit my dog, Lady, before the party. Then, we'll head to the dinner and drive home afterward. I figured you'd be sick of me by then and I would drive back to campus.”
“Plan to stay with me Sunday night.”
He smiles. “Because I won't be sick of you by then and since I won't see you again until Saturday, I want all the time with you I can get. I mean, I bought milkshakes as a surprise so I could see you today.”
I squeeze his thigh. “You don't have to bribe me for my time, you know. I would h
ave come running with or without the surprise because I like you.”
Emerson leans over to kiss me, his tongue cool and tasting like chocolate. “You're too much for me, Eva,” he whispers against my lips.
Hopefully, I'm just enough.
Emerson and I have spent the day shopping for my mother's birthday present. Mom loves bracelets and has more than she'll ever wear probably. It only makes sense I add to that by getting her yet another one. I kept waiting for Emerson to complain about how long it was taking, but he never did. I was pleasantly surprised when he pointed out a bracelet, which ended up being the one I bought.
Having him there with me and helping me made me fall for him a little harder. When we got back to his apartment, I thought he deserved a little treat. We haven't left his bed since.
“I'm hungry,” I breathe. Time for dinner has long since passed. “Actually, I'm starving. Let's order a pizza, so we don't have to waste any energy.” I turn my head as Emerson laughs.
“I just gave you the best orgasm of your life and your first thought afterward is pizza?”
It was highlight reel worthy, but my stomach is demanding food. “Yes,” I answer simply.
He leans over the edge of the bed and grabs his jeans off the floor. “What do you want on it?” he asks as he fishes his cell phone out of one of the pockets.
“Bacon and pineapple.” Emerson raises a brow as he lies on his back, propped up against two pillows. “It's delicious, I promise.”
“Bacon and pineapple it is.”
“And get some of those cinnamon stick things and those little bread bite things with the Parmesan cheese.”