Page 12 of Without a Doubt

“What if I wanted to sit with Glen?”

“I'm the one who brought you here first, so you should sit with me.” He shrugs. It's as simple as that. The waiter comes and we place our orders since we know what we want. Emerson lays his arm on the back of the booth. “Tell me an embarrassing story about Eva from y'all growing up.”

“What? That's not fair.”

“Why? I'm going to ask you to do the same.”

Sitting this close to him and having the heat from his body practically envelope me is overwhelming. I thought my t-shirt and shorts would keep me cool, but it's only exposing more skin to his heat. “Don't you think you've seen enough of me embarrassing myself?”

Glen laughs and starts talking before Emerson can reply. “We used to have burping contests, see who could say their abc's, ask a question, stuff like that. Eva was the champion every single time. None of us could compete with her.”

My jaw drops. He did not just say that. I kick him hard under the table, trying to ignore Emerson's laughter. Quickly, I blurt out the first embarrassing thing I can think of, “Glen used to walk around in his mom's heels!”

“I was three!” he defends. “I tried on everyone's shoes!”

“Okay, okay. I don't want to start a war,” Emerson manages to say while still laughing. “Although, I kind of want to hear you burp your abc's now.”

I glare at him. “What kind of guy are you? I'm not going to burp!” I'm officially horrified.

Glen chuckles an

d I want to smack him. “He's just saying that because he can't burp on demand. He's jealous.”

A glance at Emerson shows him nodding his head. “A little bit.”

Oh. My. God. “Well, forget it! I'm not doing it. Glen can get all the way to J, so you can ask him to do it later.”

Thankfully, the waiter brings our food to officially end the burp conversation. One good thing about food from Smitty's is that it shuts the guys up. I thought maybe it was just something that happened the first time I was here, but doesn't seem that way. I do learn that Emerson is left-handed though because his elbow keeps bumping into mine. Next time, he'll have to sit on the outside and let me have the inside.

I'm assuming there will be a next time. He did say he would talk to me later, but today is the first I've heard from him since he dropped me off. It's not a bad thing though. I've had the space to think.

As the plates begin to empty, the guys start talking about sports. I zone out, not even attempting to join in. I kind of ruined their guy time by tagging along, even though I was asked to come, so they can talk without me. Emerson and Glen are both football fans. They're excited for the start of a new season coming up. Briefly, I wonder if I might be spending Sundays with these two, watching football games. It doesn't sound so bad.

Emerson's hand lands on my thigh. The small action immediately has my attention. Then, I hear him say, “Earth to Eva.”

“Sorry. What did you say?”

“I asked if you wanted to come back with me.”

“Oh. Yeah, that sounds fun.” I look at Glen. “You don't mind, right?” I don't know if he was hoping to hang out after this or not.

“No, go ahead. I'll catch you another day.”

Glen generously pays for everyone's meal before Emerson is dragging me to his truck. After our dinner, I kind of want something sweet. Maybe ice cream. Or brownies? Ooh, brownies sounds perfect right about now.

“What'd you do today?” Emerson asks.

“Homework. I worked yesterday and I go in tomorrow, so figured I should get it out of the way today.”

“I worked yesterday and then again this morning.”

He parks and we walk up to his apartment. With brownies on my mind, I go to the kitchen and start opening cabinets.

“Scoping out my kitchen now, Eva?” The closeness of his voice makes me jump. I swivel to find him standing right in front of me now. He's wearing a small smile. “You're still hungry?”

“Actually, I'm hoping you have brownie mix.”

Emerson leans forward to reach around me and open a cabinet. He's a breath away, teasing me with an almost touch. A second later, he's holding a box of brownie mix in front of him.