Page 65 of Without a Doubt

“Sorry, I'm tired.” I've been studying too much as well, I think. An idea hits me. I pick up my phone. It's charging because I wasn't paying attention and let it completely die. Pretending it isn't charged enough to turn on, I ask, “Can I borrow your phone? I want to text Emerson and my phone isn't on yet.”

Catherine shrugs and tosses it to me. I pull up her messages and text Parker. She needs a push in the direction she wants to go. All the message says is that she wants to talk and asks him to come over. His reply comes so fast, he must've had his phone in his hand already. Or else he was desperately waiting for a text from her. I'm betting it's mostly the latter.

Parker made one silly comment about going to a concert with her in the spring and she freaks out and breaks up with him because of her commitment issues. She still hasn't told me any clues as to why she practically has a phobia over it, but I don't want her to ruin what is obviously a good relationship.

“I'm going to Emerson's,” I tell her. “I need a break and someone to cuddle with.”

I casually set her phone on the nightstand and she doesn't pick it up, thankfully. I don't want my plan foiled until it's too late. Quickly, I pack my things. By the time I'm done, there's a knock on the door. Catherine goes to answer it, but I stop her.

“Remember I love you and want what's best for you,” I say before opening the door. “Hey, Parker. I texted you for Catherine because she wouldn't do it. Don't leave until you're back together, okay?” He seems surprised, but he nods. I face Catherine, who looks grateful and upset at the same time. “Next time I see you, you better not be single.”

She nods and then I leave. I call Emerson on my way to the car.

“Are you home?” I ask.

“Almost. I just got off work. Why? What's up?”

“I need you,” I tell him simply and quietly.

“I'm about to pass by the campus. Do you want me to pick you up?” His lack of hesitation and readiness to help me makes my heart surge with love. I already feel a little better.

“No, I'll drive. My class starts earlier than yours tomorrow.”

“All right, I'll see you in a few minutes then.”

We hang up. We end up arriving within seconds of one another. Emerson looks tired, but he gives me a smile anyway. He also gives me a bear hug, which makes me feel even better. He holds me close, his face pressed against my neck.

“Mm. You're just what I needed, Eva.”

“That's good to hear and all, but it's cold out here and I forgot my hoodie.”

Emerson laughs, releasing me but taking my hand. “Don't you mean my hoodie?” he asks as we begin walking to his apartment.

“Nope. It's mine now.”

He smiles, not saying anything else until we reach his apartment. “I didn't think I would see you for two more days. Everything okay? You didn't sound too great on the phone.”

“Everything's fine mostly. Do you want to shower or anything first?” He looks ready to crash. I'm ready to lie down too, so I want to get him to that point as well.

“You don't mind? You don't want to talk first?”

“No, no. Let me in the bathroom and then you can shower. I can wait to talk. It's not that important. And really, all I want is to lay with you.”

He nods, so I head to the bathroom to get ready for bed. When we walk past one another to switch places, he kisses me gently. We stand there for a moment, kissing, and Emerson once again blows me away with how he can make me feel worshipped and treasured so easily. Stress from the week begins to chip away with every second he kisses me.

“I'll be quick,” he murmurs against my lips.

And then, he's gone.

I crawl into his bed, not feeling tired at all anymore. My stomach is free of cramps, but my headache isn't letting up at all. I deeply inhale the scent of his sheets. It smells more like detergent than Emerson. He must have washed them recently.

God, I've missed him. We've been texting, but I haven't seen him since Monday morning. Between class, work, studying, and Catherine, there hasn't been much time. Plus, he's been busy too. I'm definitely a girl who needs to physically be around my guy on a regular basis.

Emerson stays true to his word. He's in bed with me within twenty minutes. He pulls me against him, holding me as close as possible. “I've missed you,” he says, his chin lightly rubbing against the top of my head as he speaks. “I've missed this.” His arms tighten around me briefly.

“Me too.” I slip my leg between his to make us even closer.

His heartbeat and breathing are almost rhythmic, luring me into peacefulness.