Page 20 of Without a Doubt

This one makes my skin heat up, a rush of warmth flooding my body.

This one makes me want to drag him to the nearest bed.

It's a dangerous mixing of lips, tongues, and bodies pressing together to eliminate any personal space. My hands have found themselves in his hair at the base of his neck, while his hands have slipped under my shirt, inching their way up slowly. His hands are so hot against my cool skin and it's making me dizzy, delirious with need as he sucks my lower lip into his mouth. I'm torn between wanting to melt against him and ripping his clothes off when I feel the pressured touch of his thumbs underneath each of my breasts.

“I'm on my period!” I blurt out, taking a step back. Emerson blinks and my eyes widen as I cover my mouth with my hands, realizing what I just said. Oh, my God.

“Okay?” Emerson's brows pull together.

“I mean, I meant to say I need a moment to breathe.” Just kill me now. I don't even want to have sex with him yet, and it's not like we were obviously headed there. Why for the love of all that's holy did I just say that? “Can you take me back to campus, please?”

“Sure.” He still seems a little dumbfounded, but he steps away to grab his keys.

We're quiet all the short way back. This is it. This is how this thing with Emerson is going to end. Because I'm an idiot who blurts stupid crap. I still can't believe I said it. I just want to crawl into bed, pull the covers over my face, and wallow in my embarrassment.

Emerson parks his truck, and I don't hesitate to open it. I turn to face him when he speaks.

“I'll talk to you later, Eva,” he says before taking a small pause. “Feel better, I guess?”

I can't help my laugh. “Yeah, thanks.” Before we can dwell on it anymore, I shut the door and head inside. Catherine is grabbing her things as if she's about to leave when I step into our dorm. She glances over her shoulder.

“No smile today?”


She turns to give me her attention. “Why not?”

I recap what happened and she busts out laughing at me. “You're a terrible friend, Catherine!”

She's still giggling. “I don't know what's funnier; what you said or that fact that he told you to feel better like it's a cold.”

“I'm never going to hear from him again,” I groan.

Catherine rolls her eyes. “Oh, come on. You ran into his truck and he took you out to dinner. I doubt this will make him run away,” she reassures. “Okay, I have a date myself, so I will see you later. Please, don't do anything else embarrassing in front of Emerson. You're making it a habit.” She laughs as she walks out of the room.

IT'S BEEN A few days since I've heard from Eva. Granted, I haven't texted her either, but someone called into work sick twice so far this week, and I was the lucky person who filled in for him both times. Yesterday, I ended up working a double shift because of it. I'm happy about the extra money, but not about being exhausted when I get home.

I'm sitting in class, tapping my pen against my thigh as I listen to the professor's droning lecture. Usually, my classes hold my rapt attention because there's usually something interesting to be learned, but today, I can't focus. I still don't know what to make of what happened last Saturday. The only thing I can say for certain is that it has never happened to me before. I need to talk to her soon if I'm going to follow through with what I have planned for this weekend for us. Ever since the idea came to me when Eva said we needed to do something I like, I've been excited, but wary when I realized what it entails.

Going home.

All week, I've been asking myself the same questions over and over. Can I take Eva there? When there's even a slight possibility we could run into Kelly? I doubt we would, but the possibility is there. The anxiety has been annoying as hell to deal with. I'm torn with not wanting to go home, especially not with Eva, and wanting to show Eva something I like to do for fun.

The professor finally dismisses us with an assignment to complete before our next class. It's my last class of the day, and I'm free to do whatever I want now. So, I head to Eva's dorm. Unfortunately, she doesn't an

swer the door.

“Hey. Catherine, right?”

She eyes me warily for a moment. “Yeah. Eva's not here; she's working.”


Once I return to my truck, I drive to Sub Grub. Unlike last time, it's really busy and Eva isn't working alone. I join the line, wondering if I should wait until later to ask her about this weekend. While I wait, I glance around to really take in the place. It's a decent size and must do well with 75 percent of the tables full and the line with at least seven people. Between the two of them, the line still moves at a decent pace and before long, I'm standing in front of a surprised-to-see-me Eva.

“Emerson, what are you doing here?”

“For food,” I answer with a grin. She rolls her eyes. “The same as last time, please.” She starts fixing my sub, and I say, “Sorry I haven't talked to you lately.” I shake my head. “Work has tied me up.”