Page 17 of Without a Doubt

“We need to talk about Eva.” His voice streams into my ears through the headset.

“What about her?”

“I know it's early and all, but she's my cousin, Emerson. I just wanna know what'll happen if Kelly comes back into your life, or what you're going to do at the end of your two years if you're still seeing Eva. Have you told her about Kelly?”

“No.” I sigh because I don't know the answers to those other questions. “I don't know what Kelly is going to want next year.”

“That's not what I asked.” His voice gains a hard edge. “If she is, are you going to want to be with her? If there's even a chance of that, I don't want you dating Eva. She doesn't need to get hurt.” Eva was right. He was like a protective older brother.

I can't even imagine what I would do if Kelly was back in the picture. It's been a year since I've even spoken to her. Part of me doubts she'll be waiting for me next year like she said. And while I understand where Glen is coming from, I don't want to stop seeing Eva. She's too fun. She makes me feel good, and I'm not ready to give that up over what may or may not happen in the future.

Instead of answering his questions, I say, “I'm not going to hurt her, Glen.”

“Better not, Emerson.”

“RIDING IN SWEET Irene so much is making me like trucks more and more,” I say as Emerson pulls out onto the highway.

He laughs. “I think it's time I confess that I lied about naming my truck.”

“I figured as much, but it was still funny. Plus, she's Sweet Irene to me now.” I pat the dash for good measure.

Emerson knocked on my dorm door at exactly eight o'clock. Catherine wasn't too happy about being woken up, but it's not my fault she wakes easily. I'm thrumming with anticipation and energy at where we may be going today. I'm still excited he popped in at work Tuesday, too. When I walked into the dorm, Catherine took one look at me and my grin and shook her head.

“You're smitten,” she had said as she picked up her book to continue reading.

She's right; I'm totally smitten. I've been thinking pretty much nonstop about what we could be doing today, if it will top us going horseback riding, but I can't think of anything. The fact that it's so early in the day is throwing me off.

I'm further confused when we park ten minutes later in front of a pet store. It's not until we get out of the truck that he tells me why we're here.

“It's adoption day and they could use some extra volunteers to help out. I signed us up. That sound okay?”

My grin is probably stretched all the way to my ears. “It sounds awesome. Let's go.” I grab his hand, locking our fingers together, and drag him across the parking lot. “We need to do something you like next time, okay?”

When I glance at him, he's grinning. “I think I may know just what we need to do, too. Sweet Irene's baby sister will be happy.” I tilt my head in confusion as he opens the door for us. “I'm keeping that one a surprise, too.”

“I'm already excited,” I tell him honestly.

He laughs, shaking his head a little. “All I have to do is say it's a surprise and you'll be excited.”

I shrug because it's true.

Emerson leads us over to the customer service desk. The lady behind it points us to the other side of the store where another volunteer will be waiting to give us instructions. Turns out, we'll be washing some of the cutest dogs I've ever seen. We're assigned a few dogs individually and one together since he's bigger.

Before I step to my station to wash this adorable little terrier, I quickly kiss Emerson. “You're the best.”

I'm in heaven. Being around all these dogs makes me miss my own dog back home though. However, my grin is permanent on my face today. I bathe my three dogs in happy bliss before meeting up with Emerson, where he's waiting with a five-month-old Saint Bernard puppy, who is already huge. His shirt is splotchy with wet spots and I laugh.

“Did you have trouble with yours?”

“Just a little.” He smiles. “Having fun?”

I nod, kneeling to pet the puppy. His fur is so soft and thick, and those eyes are full of mischief. “Let's get you all clean and handsome.”

Emerson leads the way to a kid-like pool looking area where the puppy can step inside. We can wash him and the water goes down the drain in the floor. Emerson grabs the nozzle and starts spraying the dog.

“Do you know his name?” I ask as I pet him and try to keep him still.

“Scout, I think.”