Page 15 of Without a Doubt

I didn't turn my gaming console off earlier and the controller is still on the end table next to me. After changing the channel and switching from the game to Netflix, I start scrolling to find a movie for us to watch.

“Ooh, what about that one?” Eva asks about a particular movie. I've already seen it, but I hit play anyway.

For a moment earlier, I was worried about Eva's response to my blunder about Kelly. With as curious as she seems to be about everything else, I figured she would ask a ton of questions. She didn't, thankfully. It's not a conversation I want to have yet.

Not that I've had to have that conversation before. Nothing has made it far enough or serious enough to bring her up. I banish Kelly from my thoughts with a breath and focus on the person actually here with me.

Eva lifts her head to look at me. “Are you okay? Did you want to watch another movie?”

My breath must have been more like a sigh. “No, I'm good.” I settle into the couch and rest my hands on one of Eva's legs at the ankle. I glide my hand up to her knee and back down again, over and over. Her skin is soft, smooth, and my repetitive actions relax me.

Within twenty minutes, a glance at Eva shows her sound asleep. The brownies must have done her in. I finish watching the movie and notice the time. It's pretty late. Do I wake her and take her to campus, or let her sleep? It only takes me an instant to make a decision. Carefully, I move her feet from my lap, so I can stand. After going to my room and pushing blankets out of the way, I return to the couch.

She's turned onto her back, which is perfect for me to ease an arm underneath her knees and the other behind her back. Eva doesn't wake as I lift her and carry her to my room. I lay her down gently, cover her up, and then close the door quietly. I grab a blanket from the hall closet. Once I undress down to my boxers, I lie down, cover up, and close my eyes. Hopefully, Eva won't be upset that I chose not to wake her.

“You know, I'm starting to think you have a sleeping problem,” I say when Eva stumbles into the living room in the morning.

She's in that dazed state, her eyes half closed as her feet shuffle on the floor. I'm sitting up, still barely clothed, but the blanket is covering me from the waist down. Eva falls into the seat next to me and leans over. I quickly put the pillow in my lap, just in time as she rests her head on it. “Sorry,” she mumbles. “If I get still and comfortable, I'll fall asleep.”

“It's okay. You're not mad that I let you stay here, are you?”

She hums an answer, which I'm pretty sure means no.

“Takes you a bit to wake up, huh?”


I chuckle. Five minutes or so go by before she rolls onto her back. She blinks a few times, and then she squints.

“Were you shirtless when I came in here?”

I nod and laugh. “I must need to start working out if you didn't even notice.”

Her gaze skims over my chest. I'm not cut and defined, but I'm in good shape. “No, I take all the blame for that.” She rolls over onto her side, facing the TV. Her fingers pluck at the blanket. “You slept in here?”

“Yeah, I didn't know how you'd feel if I didn't, so I took the couch.”

Then, she notices my jeans pooled on the floor because she says, “Are you wearing anything underneath this blanket, Emerson?”


“Oh.” Slowly, she sits upright next to me. “Anyway, I should probably get to campus. My phone is dead, and I would like to brush my teeth. I'll be ready to go in a second.” She stands and disappears to the bathroom.

While she's gone, I dress in what I wore yesterday since I'll be coming back here to shower. Eva returns and I go to the restroom to brush my own teeth before we go. Eva's pretty quiet on the drive.

“You're quiet in the mornings,” I say.

She looks over at me. “Are you trying to tell me something?” One of her eyebrows lifts in a challenge.

“No,” I chuckle, “just saying.”

“It takes me an hour or so to fully be awake.” I park my truck and she says, “I'll talk to you soon?”

“Yeah. I'll make sure whatever we do next keeps you moving, so you don't fall asleep on me.”

She laughs. “Just let me know. I close at the sub shop, but what day I work varies. See you around, Emerson.” With that, she hops out of my truck.

Eva and I have been texting a lot this week. She's made me laugh more than I can count, and she sends random questions for me to answer in the middle of us talking about something else. She'll ask about favorites, life goals, and all sorts of things across the board. She also told me she would be busy tonight because she's working. I just finished my own shift, so I drive to Sub Grub.