Page 1 of Without a Doubt

One Year Earlier

MY HEART SINKS, so heavy with heartache and confusion that I can feel it ripping from my chest, and then falling to the ground before being soaked up like rain until it reaches the deepest depths of the earth. Kelly's eyes are glassy, betraying the words she's telling me.

“I don't understand,” I say again.

She takes a deep breath. “Emerson, I think this will be good for us. You're going off to college; I'm staying here at the community college, and it only makes sense that we take a break and see other people.”

“But I love you, and this doesn't make any sense to me at all.” I shake my head at the absurdity of it. We were best friends first. We decided to take the plunge our junior year as a couple and I love her more than anything. She's my entire world and the thought of going on without her makes me want to fall to my knees in pain. Why she suddenly wants us to take a break is beyond me.

Kelly wraps her arms around my waist. She's sitting on the tailgate of my truck, and I'm standing in front of her, between her knees. “You said you would do anything for me,” she tells me with a pointed look, daring me to retract my words.

I sigh with defeat. She's backed me into a corner. Kelly's as stubborn as they come and once she makes up her mind, there's no changing it. “You're sure you want this? All I want is you, but if you want me to do this, then I reckon I will. If you're sure.” Please, please, please, say no. All I want is for her to change her mind.

She nods. “I'm positive, Emerson.”

My heart disintegrates. “How long do you want this break?” I ask, my voice surprisingly calm and understanding, two emotions that are far from what I'm actually feeling. I want to clench my fists, shout, and drop to my knees to beg her to change her mind. I'd do anything, if only she wasn't so determined to make this happen.

“Two years, at least.” Two whole years? I'll never last that length of time without her. “We can do more growing up, learn who we are without the other, and learn if we're really meant to be.”

We are. I know we are. Without a doubt, Kelly Price is the love of my life. Before I can complain about how long she wants me to be without her, she speaks again.

“You'll see other people, won't you?” There's so much hope in her voice and it confuses me. “Otherwise, it's pointless.”

I lean forward to rest my forehead against hers. The breeze blows, and I inhale that floral fragrance she's always wearing. “You're killing me, Kelly,” I whisper, my composure getting harder and harder to maintain.

She remains silent, knowing exactly what she's doing. I just don't know why. Instead of telling me that we don't have to do this, she tilts her head back to let her lips meet mine. Kelly distracts me with her mouth as her hands begin to roam, and she uses her body to her advantage. I can't help but feel like this is a permanent goodbye and not a temporary one. But this is what she wants, what she's asked of me, and I'll give it to her because I love her more than life itself.

Time will pass, and in two years, I'll be back here. Kelly will be mine again and we'll have to catch up on lost time. I know we're young, but I've never been more sure about anything than I am about the fact that the rest of my life will be spent with this girl. All I have to do is give her this one thing.

Present Day

FIRST DAY OF classes always suck if you ask me. They're boring as most teachers go over their repetitive syllabi, highlighting information pertaining to the class, but generally expecting us to read it more thoroughly later. Afterward, they attempt to start lectures no one wants to be forced to listen to just yet. The icing on the cake to this boring day though is when I see a girl pacing by my truck. She has shoulder-length curly black hair and she's wearing a white tank top, shorts which show a lot of leg and a perfect ass, and flip-flops.

I stop twirling my keys on my finger to press the unlock button. She jumps at the sound and the headlights flashing once. Then, she turns around to face me.


She's hot. Her bright, light blue eyes are a contrast to her tan skin and dark hair. Her curves lead to hips you want to grab and cleavage peeks from the top of her shirt.

“Is this your truck?” I'm surprised she sounds so nervous, but it's immediately followed by suspicion.

“Yeah, why?” I glance at my truck. At first, I see nothing wrong. Then, I see a car on the other side of the lane directly in the spot behind me in the last row with a damaged front. Oh, no. No, no, no. Not my truck. My feet start moving until I'm at the rear. “You rear-ended me? In a parking space! How the hell did you manage that?” I lift my head, looking at where she's standing next to me. There's some damage to my truck, but not too much, especially in comparison to her car.

“I'd rather not say because it's ridiculously embarrassing,” she admits. When I stare at her, waiting for her to say more, she props her hands on her hips, adding a fiery sass. “At least I stuck around to tell you! Are you going to complain about your poor truck or give me some contact and insurance information?”

Shaking my head, I slide by her to open my door and climb inside. I reach across to pull out my insurance card from the glove box.


I look back at the girl to see she's holding a pen and a sheet of paper. After taking it from her, I quickly write down all my information and

tear off the top half. I hand her back the bottom half and the pen, so she can do the same, just in case.

“Is your truck too good for me to use as a table?” she smarts off.

“Go ahead.”

She doesn't though. Instead, she props her foot on my tire and uses her thigh. Why did she have to be so hot and why did she have to run into my truck? Once she's done, she hands over the paper and holds her hand out for mine. I glance down to see her girly handwriting.

“So, Eva,” I say her name. “How'd you rear-end me?”

“The how doesn't matter. It only matters that I did. Can you give me your info now?”

For some reason, I feel like I'm playing with fire and doing so a bit eagerly. “Tell me and you can have it.”

Her eyebrows rise with surprise. “Seriously?” I nod, and she sighs. “I may have left my windows cracked, and I may have freaked out when I felt an insect on my leg and accidentally pressed the gas to slam right into the back of your truck.” She glances down at the ground before looking back up at me, thoroughly embarrassed.

A laugh shakes my torso, the hilarity of what caused her to hit my truck sending me into a fit of laughter for a good minute. All the while, she watches me with narrowed eyes and a firm, flat mouth. She reaches out to snatch my paper from me. After looking down at it, she turns her icy eyes on me.

“You're an ass, Emerson.” Eva turns to storm back to her car.

“Wait!” I call out and stand next to my truck.

She turns, folding her arms over her chest. “What?” she asks with exasperation and annoyance.

With a lazy smile, I ask, “Are you hungry?” Eva tilts her head in confusion. “Do you want to go eat supper with me? I'll drive.” My chuckle can't be helped. Eva's hot, I'm hungry, and she's caught my interest with her hilarious mishap. Even though I have her cell phone number, this feels like my one and only chance.

“Is this some twisted way for you to laugh at me some more?”

“Nope. Are you coming or what?”

A car heads our way and since she's standing in the middle of the lane, she crosses back over, but she doesn't come any closer. “'Are you coming or what?'” she mocks. “Is that how you flirt?”

I grin, shaking my head. It's a bit of a risk, but I decide to take it. Closing the distance between us, I take her hand in mine and lead her to the passenger side of the truck, opening the door for her.

“I don't have my purse,” she objects.

“You don't need it.”

“I don't know you,” she tries again. “What if I want to take your picture and send your name and info to my best friend and my cousin in case I'm found murdered? You have motive.” She thumbs back to my mildly damaged truck bed.

“Then take the picture, send your text, and get in.”