“I was in graduate school. I transferred from Salem University.” I pause before deciding, what the hell. “I was on the football team there.”

“Really? I’m not much of a football fan, but that’s cool. I wasn’t ever good enough for any sport, which is okay. I’d rather watch.” Nate shrugs.

“Corey?” I turn at the sound of Olivia’s voice. Behind her on the other side of the room are all her friends. They must be her “other plans.” “I thought it was you.” Her eyes flick over my shoulder to where I’m guessing she checks to see what I’m drinking.

“Hey, Olivia,” Nate says. “No need to check in on Corey. We aren’t planning a repeat of last time,” he laughs.

“I wasn’t checking in,” she defends. She did check, though. “I didn’t even know he would be here. I was just coming over to say hi.”

“Hi,” I finally speak. “We’re watching the hockey game.”

She nods, lingering. “Did everything go okay today?”


“Good. Well, I better head back to my table.” She turns, but I reach for her elbow, pulling her back to me, close enough so I can whisper into her ear.

“Have fun with your friends and then come over when you get home. And Olivia?”

She pulls away to settle those brown eyes on me. “Yeah?”

“I’m sorry.”

“I forgive you.” Her reply is immediate, instantly relaxing me. Olivia kisses me gently before turning and walking away.

THE CLICK OF the doorknob turning causes me to sit up on the couch. Olivia is a beautiful sight for my sore eyes.

“Hey, did I wake you?”

“No. Come lie with me.”

“I’m still pissed,” she points out as she walks my way.

“Lie with me anyway.”

She does, settling on top of me so I can wrap my arms tightly around her. With her head on my chest, eyes on the black screen of my TV, she says, “You can start apologizing now.”

I smile for a second before it slips away. “I’m sorry, Olivia. I shouldn’t have said what I did. You’re the first person who has ever forced me to open up and talk, and obviously, I need to learn when not to do that. I need you so much and the thought that it wasn’t the same for you terrified me. I don’t

really think I’m a problem for you to fix. I’m sorry for questioning you. Even Ms. Cynthia basically called me an idiot. I don’t want my issues to be everything with us, and if the answer to any of those questions was yes, then it would be. The thought of that bothered me.”

Olivia is quiet for longer than I like. When she does speak, it’s not what I was expecting. “Do you remember when I said that I wanted to see you happy?” She doesn’t wait for me to reply. “I feel like I don’t do that enough for you. You’re not as happy as I want you to be, Corey.” Her voice is gentle and I can hear the touch of worry that laces between her words.

I force a chuckle. “You do realize I was diagnosed with depression, right?”

At this, she lifts her head to look at me with a frown. “That’s not funny.”

“I know.” I sigh, hoping it would be a little bit funny anyway. I slide my hands up until I’m cupping her cheeks. “I’m happiest when I’m with you, no matter what else is going on. You’re the only person in this world who can make me happy when I feel everything but that. Are you happy?”

“Not when you’re a dumbass,” she promptly replies. I laugh. “I still forgive you.”

“Thank you.” I run my fingers through her hair, resting them at the base of her neck. I pull her towards me as I move my lips towards hers. Kissing her slowly with purpose, I convey how much she means to me. But words are always better with Olivia. She likes the talking part too. I kiss along her jaw up towards her ear, her sigh giving me a high.

When I reach her ear, I whisper without hesitation, “I don’t always show it or say it, but you do make me happy. Happier than I’ve ever been. I love you, Olivia. There were only three people on my list of those I’d do absolutely anything for, and they were my siblings. You’ve been on that list for a while now too. I wish I could be a more romantic guy for you, but the best I know how to do is say I love you and add you to the list.”

I lean back to see her smiling. “You’re romantic,” she says. I laugh. “I’m serious, you are. Doing yoga with me is your way of being romantic. Playing video games with you turns me on, so we’ll count that too. What you did on Valentine’s Day was hands down the most romantic gesture I’ve ever seen, and,” she drags out the word as she wraps up her list, “you take care of me when I need you to. So see, you’re romantic and I love you too.”

“What did you say?” My mind is spinning a million miles an hour.