WHO KNEW IT was possible to have five good days in a row? Sounds like the ball is about to drop soon. The good streak doesn’t last this long for me and Saturday has me antsy, waiting for it to happen. My thoughts all turn to Olivia. Something will happen with her and all will be ruined. Or it could be my job. It’s too good and I’m loving it too much, despite being bone-tired by the time I get home. Maybe Nate will lie about how well I’ve been doing and I’ll be unemployed by Monday morning.

Me: Olivia. I’ve had a good week.

Olivia: I know! :D

Me: Something bad has to come ruin it. I don’t have good weeks.

Olivia: Stop being a Negative Nancy.

Me: I’m being real. I can feel it. What if something happens to one of my siblings?

Olivia: Nothing’s going to happen to them. I promise.

Me: What if something happens to you?

Olivia: I’m across the hall. Nothing’s going to happen to me either.

Me: What if I have a crying fest again?

Olivia: You won’t. Meds are good.

Me: Well, SOMETHING is going to happen. And it won’t be a good thing.

Even worse is that I’m seriously nervous about this. I don’t have good days and definitely not consecutively. This is one of those too good to be true moments and it’s all about to crash.

Some way, some how.

I hear a door slam and then turn to see mine fly open.

“You’re driving me crazy, so stop it.” Olivia throws her hands up in the air.

Withholding a laugh, I say, “I guess now would be a bad time to give you an early Valentine’s Day gift?” I could use a change of subject, and I’ve been dying to give this to her since I picked it up Wednesday. Valentine’s Day is next week, but why wait until the good streak ends? This guarantees that I’m in a good mood for this.

Olivia looks downright confused. “Valentine’s Day? A gift? For me? Don’t tell me you’ve been an undercover romantic this entire time.”

“Not in the least bit. Romantic actions make fun of me, so no thanks. I do have a gift for you, though.”

She eyes me warily and curiously, and I laugh. “When are you going to give it to me?”

“Now, if I’m not driving you so crazy that you want to go back to your apartment.”

Finally, she smiles. “Now sounds great.” Excitement leaks into her voice.

I didn’t wrap it, but I stuck a bow on top. That works too, right? It’s just a little something anyway, and Valentine’s Day is my excuse to give it to her. “Sit on the couch while I go get it.”

She hurries to do as I ask and I’m suddenly nervous. I shouldn’t be. It’s a simple gift. But Olivia might hate it. Or have her expectations too high for my surprise gift. Simple or not, I still want her to love it. Maybe I should dump the idea altogether. Only, it’s too late now because she knows. With a deep breath, I grab the gift off of my dresser and hold it behind my back as I walk back to the living room.

Her hands are drumming on her knees in anticipation. I really hope she’s not disappointed. The anxiety of how she’ll react rises as I hold it out for her without making her close her eyes first. She smiles when she removes the bow. My muscles loosen up as it hits me. She smiled.

“A racing video game and a DVD of yoga workouts?” The smile turns into a grin when she fixes her gaze on me. Olivia stands and gives me a kiss. Like most of her kisses, it’s too short and leaves me wishing for more. “Does this mean you’re going to do these with me?” She holds up the DVD.

“No.” She smiles because she knows I’m lying. “I’ll definitely play the game with you, though.”

“I’ll race you over to my apartment, since we know you’ll lose in the game.”

Olivia takes off running the moment she finishes her sentence. I’m right behind her, though, so close that when she opens my door and stops abruptly, I run into her. My gaze follows hers, causing my stomach to drop.

“Hey, Corey,” Luce says, giving me an uneasy smile. “Surprise,” she adds weakly.