“Well, we were almost done, so want to just call it quits for today then?” Ha, she’s kicking him out now that I’m here. I smile to myself as Ben nods and they start packing up their books.

“Hey, a bunch of us are going to a bar across town if you want to come, Liv.” I hate that he calls her Liv, but she doesn’t seem to mind. Ben glances at me. “Corey could come with you, I guess, if you wanted to bring him.”

“What time?” she asks. She can’t seriously ditch me for him and his football friends, because who else would be there? “Which one?”

For a second, I doubt us, whatever we are. Maybe she’d rather have the guy who can play than the guy who was destroyed because he can’t. Ben rattles off the details to her as I grab a bottle of water from her fridge, twisting and untwi

sting the cap without ever taking it off until he leaves. I wonder what I’ll have to do to make her stay here with me. She should go out and have fun, though. Thanks to me, she’s stuck in one of our apartments more often than not.

The moment the door closes, she faces me, looking excited. “Do you want to go?”

“Go where?”

“To the bar with them.” Her tone is full of Duh, Corey. “I mean, you shouldn’t drink because of the medication and all, but it will still be fun. So,” she comes over, taking the water from me. “Do you want to go?”

Oh. I forgot about this option. Do I want to go? If I want her to stay with me, I should. We could both get out of the apartment.

Oh, my God. I’m starting to think like her. She’s brainwashing me.

“C’mon, Corey. It’ll be good for us both. Let’s go.”

Please don’t make me regret this. “Okay.”

My answer temporarily stuns her. “Really?”

“Do you want me to change my mind?”

“No, no. Not at all. You…nevermind.” She grins and gives me a quick hug. “You can meet my friends and it’ll be a blast.”

Ugh. Friends? Football players and friends? She’s trying to kill me. Olivia’s going to brainwash me and then kill me. I’m tempted to ask how long we’re going to be gone, but I don’t. I’ll let her enjoy her victory.

“Why do you tutor him here, Liv?” Saying her name like that makes me frown. I don’t like it.

“Because it’s easier.”

Easier? What’s that supposed to mean? I want to question her about it so badly, but she shrugs it off like it’s no big deal and I decide to wait. There is one thing I can ask, though.

“Where’s your spare key?”


“You know where mine is. Where’s yours? I checked under the mat and you don’t keep it there.”

Olivia laughs, giggling like a little kid. “I don’t keep my spare outside. Obviously. I was locked out, remember?”

I grin. “Looks like I’m the genius then.” She shoves me out of the apartment, so she can get ready. “Don’t wear your hoodie,” I half-tease before she can close the door.

She stops and smiles. “Maybe I’ll wear something just for you.” And then she closes the door completely.

That was definitely not the thing to say to me. Because as I shower, change, and get ready myself, my imagination runs wild with all the different possibilities. Tonight could be good. Enjoyable, even. All I have to do is go and hopefully have fun with Olivia. I want that. For me and for her.

Of course, it doesn’t take me long before I’m all ready to go. Twenty minutes pass as I wait for Olivia’s text, saying that she’s ready too. I never pegged her for the girl to take forever, but then, I guess they all do.

Me: Hurry up before I change my mind.

Olivia: Don’t rush me. Texting only makes it take that much longer.

Me: Then speed things up.