I give her an 'are you serious' look. Clearly, it's a yes. Withholding a sigh, I crawl out of the fort and leave my room. Grant is looking rough as he walks this way towards his room.
“Everything okay?”
He looks up at my question, almost startled. “Hey, Winston. Yeah, everything is fine. Sorry if I woke you.”
“It's okay.”
Grant retreats into his room, and I do the same. Maddie has destroyed my fort and is underneath a pile of covers on my bed.
“What are you doing?” I ask.
“You complained about the floor, so...”
Oh. I climb in beside her, and she snuggles against me. “You heard Grant moving around,” I explain.
“Thanks for checking and for tonight. It was a lot of fun,” she whispers.
And it was. After my lame scary story, we ate more s'mores. It was easy to hang out with her because I already know her really well. We kissed a lot and played a few board games. Maddie hates to lose, just like I remembered. After I won the first time, I let her win the rest.
“So, we're really doing this?” her soft voice breaks the silence. I thought she had fallen back to sleep, but I guess not. She has her forehead pressed against my chest, her arms bent between us, much like the first time I woke up to find her in my bed.
“Yep. I'll be that give-it-all guy for you. Promise.”
She snuggles closer, and I'm happy she's here and with me again. Dave is going to blow up when he finds out I am dating his little sister. At least I have a little more time to figure out a way to tell him.
“WINSTON, WINSTON,” A soft voice sings my name over and over. When I open my eyes, I realize I'm laying on my back and Maddie's laying on top of me. Her arms are folded over my chest and she's resting her chin on her forearms, smiling at me. “Good morning. I know it's early, but I have to get going in a few minutes.
There's no way I can leave without a kiss though.”
“Oh yeah?” I ask as I bring my knees up, making her legs fall between them. I hook a finger under her chin to pull her closer to me. With a grin, I lift my head to kiss her, but kiss her forehead instead of her lips. “There you go.”
Maddie frowns and I laugh. “Oh, come on, Winston. Be a man and really kiss me.” Her eyes widen a little, and she adds, “Or are you the kind of guy who wants the woman to be in charge?” She laughs like that's the funniest thing she's heard all day. But then her laughter dies out and like the first time I kissed her, she demands it. “Come on, hockey player. Kiss me.” Her voice is low, almost sultry.
Equally low, I reply, “Where? Here?” I kiss her cheek and then roll us over, so I'm on top of her. “Here?” I question, kissing her jaw. “Maybe here?” Dipping my head, I kiss a swell of cleavage peeking out from her tank top. My hands are at her hips and glide her shirt up just above her belly button. “Here?” I breathe over her skin before kissing her hip. I bring myself back up to her face, my lips just above hers. “Or here?”
Maddie's breathing is shallow now and just enough air escapes for her to answer, “Everywhere.”
I smirk. “We don't have that much time.” Her eyes flutter when my lips brush against hers. “So is this spot okay for now?”
My mouth presses to hers, Maddie's immediately opens up. Her tongue slips into my mouth first, and I feel her fingertips on my sides. That one little touch for whatever divine reason drives me crazy, especially when she digs her fingers into my skin. Once those legs of hers wrap around my waist, I know it's time to stop the kiss. I pull away, notice her slightly swollen lips that are wearing a smile and her flushed cheeks and kiss her forehead, whispering, “You're gorgeous, you know.”
Maddie grins. “I know.” I chuckle and she adds, “So where are we going on this date you want to take me on?”
“Don't you have to leave?”
She glances at my alarm clock. “Yeah, but-”
“Either way, I'm not telling you yet.” Okay, so maybe I don't know where I'm taking her. I didn't exactly get past asking her out. And by the sparkle of excitement in her eyes, I know it better be a damn good date.
“Okay then. You're going to have to get off of me, so I can leave though.”
I move aside and she gets up and starts grabbing her things so she can leave. I watch her, seeing her comfort, her confidence, and her beauty move around my room. Now, I have to figure out where I'm taking her. Surely I can think of something from our childhood that she might like to do. People grow out of things like that, though. Why am I overthinking this? I've been on plenty of dates before, especially with Maddie. I don't need to think this hard about it.
Maddie comes back to the bed, leans forward, and gives me a quick peck. “I'll see you later, Winston.”
I PACE IN the living room much like I did the day Audra told me she was pregnant. I've been wearing a path in the carpet for over two hours now. Ever since I came home from class, this is where I've been. My phone is clutched in my hand while I wait for Audra to call. I hope she calls before my game. I won't be able to focus otherwise. It's been a few days, but today is when we find out the results of the paternity test. I believed her when she told me baby girl was mine. So why am I full of uncertainty now?