“Could I ask a huge favor?” she questions nervously.

“You ask a lot, you know. First, you make me play reporter, then you sneak pictures of me at the library. Next, you crash my skating. Now, you want a favor?” I tease. Her cheeks turn bright red, and it makes me feel bad. “I’m just messing. What is it?”

She shakes her head, changing her mind. “Thanks for letting me invade. I’m going to go.”

When she turns to walk away, I joke, “Want me to walk you out? It’s pretty late, and a murderer could be out there.”

Lucy immediately tenses and slowly faces me. “That’s not funny,” she says quietly. “I’ll be fine.”

And then she gets the hell away from me. Her reaction seemed too severe. That’s the second time in less than five minutes that I’ve said the wrong thing. Maybe she just scares easily. It would explain how she seems extra nervous sometimes. I shake my head, lock up the rink for tonight, and head home. Winston is in his room, and I can't say I blame him. It looks like Neil is back in his pissed off mood. What the hell happened to set him off today?

EVERY SUNDAY, BO and I make the hour trip to have dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Lanier. We've been having this dinner since the summer before I started college, which was about four years ago. I didn't want to go alone, so I made Bo tag along, and he hasn't missed a dinner yet. But right about n

ow, I wish I had left him at the house. And it's not because he bitched at me this morning for sleeping with a girl last night. Apparently, I should be celibate now.

When I walk into the house, Alice, their six year old daughter, rush up to me, jumping into my arms.

“Neil! I've missed you! I'm glad you came,” she squeals excitedly.

“I always come, Alice.” I pick her up and she hugs me tighter.

“Don't let go, Neil,” she warns like usual. “It's a long way down.”

I laugh. “I won't. Where are your parents?”

“Setting the table. Oh, hey, Bo,” she greets like she just now noticed him. Bo has always been a second thought for Alice. I'm her favorite visitor after all.

As we walk into the dining room, I ask her, “How's school? Are you in high school yet?”

Alice giggles. “No! I'm in the first grade, Neil.”

“Oh yeah, you just grow so much every week. I keep forgetting.” Mr. and Mrs. Lanier smile at me as we walk in. “Hey,” I greet, kissing Mrs. Lanier on the cheek and dipping my chin in a nod at Mr. Lanier.

After we start eating, things go south, thanks to Bo. Conversation was flowing smoothly like normal. Mrs. Lanier was asking about school and hockey and plans after college. It's nearly the exact same conversation every Sunday. She likes to keep tabs on me to make sure that I'm doing well. They both do, which is why I come. And because of Alice, too. Although, sometimes, it's hard to see her family's resemblance in her. Plus, the Lanier's are like second parents to me. In all honesty, I care more about what they think than I do my own parents. So I come each week, giving her answers that will make her happy, even if they aren't always true. Next, she asks the question I always dread.

“Have you met anyone?”

Just as I'm about to answer, Bo blurts out, “He's gotten a girl pregnant.”

God damn it! Slowly, I turn towards him in my seat. He better be so fucking happy that I don't have a knife in my hand because I'm sure I would stab him. Why the fuck would he say that to them? He has the nerve to simply shrug.

Alice gasps. “You're having a baby like my teacher? She's pregnant too. Mrs. Perry says she'll bring him to class for us to see one day.”

All the words that I could possibly say to these people, to this little girl, disappear. My vocabulary has been wiped clean, and my mouth is parted with no hopes of speaking.

“Oh, Neil,” Mrs. Lanier says.

God, I hate Bo so much. With a deep, controlled breath, I face her again. However, Bo opens his giant mouth, and I want to punch him so many times that he has to get it wired shut for it to heal.

“He told her to put it up for adoption.”

I drop my fork and put my fisted hands in my lap. This isn't for him to share, and it damn well isn't his place to tell them.

“What's adoption?” Alice asks.

“Sweetie, why don't you take your plate into the living room and watch cartoons?” Mr. Lanier suggests. Alice squeals with excitement and takes off as fast as she can while being cautious. He then turns his attention to me. “Neil, please tell me that you had a lengthy conversation with her before you two came to that decision.”

“Nope. She was a one night stand, and she came over to tell him. Then he told her to put it up for adoption. We haven't seen her since,” Bo happily answers.