“I don't know, Neil, because it's a part of who you are! You are about to spend the rest of your life around this woman. I'm not saying you should do it for her, but maybe you should for you. Neil, you haven't been the guy I knew in high school since we came here for college. But that's who you become every time you talk about Audra. I'm just saying that maybe she isn't so bad for you.”

“What the fuck do you know, Bo?” He's pissing me off with his advice and all this talk about the past. Things are fine as they are.

“They're coming to the game, aren't they?”

“Not this one, but the next one.”

“Maybe it's time to tell the guys then.”

I shake my head. Not going to do that. Not yet. Bo stands two feet away in front of me with his arms folded over his chest. I reach into my back pocket, pull out my wallet, and find the sonogram. I hand it to him wordlessly. His demeanor softens immediately. Quietly, I explain how I'm seeing things right now, “That's my baby girl, Bo. She and Audra are my focus. No one else matters.”

He nods in understanding. “All I'm saying is that one day, you're going to want the Lanier's to meet her. Might not think so right now, but you're too close to them not to want to share that baby with them. One day, you're going to have to explain Sundays to Audra.”

I hadn't thought of that.

THREE OF THE longest days of my life passes. That’s how long it takes for me to hear from Lucy. I’m so relieved that I see her rather than get a phone call or text first. I'm walking across the courtyard, heading towards the library for a bit before the game, when I look up from my phone to see her walking straight towards me. Before I can say hello, she wraps her arms around my waist in the same breath-stealing hug as the last time I saw her. Lucy presses her forehead into my chest, squeezing tightly as I return her hug.

“I’ve missed you,” she whispers.

“You have?” God, it’s good to hear her voice and have her here with me. I tug her closer.

“Yes.” Lucy pulls away, but it’s only enough that she can look up at me. She isn’t smiling and that’s not how I wanted to see her. “Didn’t you miss me?” she asks as if she would be upset if I didn't.

“Yes, I did,” I reply honestly. Her lips lift in a smile. “I’ve been worried too.”

“You didn’t need to, things are fine.” Things are not fine. I’m tired of being in the dark. Before I can tell her so, she changes the subject. “Can I stay with you tonight? I want to be around you, if you want me there.”

“I have a game.” Her shoulders sag before I can even finish. “Pack your thin

gs, so you can leave with me afterwards, okay?” I wouldn’t tell her no, and I’m surprised that she hasn’t caught on yet that I have never told her no.

Lucy lifts her arms around my neck and nearly suffocates me. “Thank you, Grant. Thank you so much.”

When she pulls away, I kiss her cheek. “We’re going to talk. It doesn’t have to be everything, but something, okay?” She seems to think about it, so I try to explain why I need this from her. “Lucy,” I begin, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. “You and your brothers were being weird all afternoon. They were upset that you were with me and not them because of something important. You cried and didn’t once make a sound. Then I wake up to you hitting me in your sleep, crying, and completely panicked.

“Once Patrick got there, you left me. I was clueless and scared to death with worry about you. No one offered to tell me what was going on and you left, telling me not to call you. You even got someone to go take pictures for you. Something was wrong and you dropped off the face of the earth, walking away from me. We have to talk.”

I hate that by the time I finish, she looks guilty. “I’m sorry, Grant. I didn’t even think about that.” She leans her forehead against my chest again as her arms go back around my waist. My fingers of my right hand dance up her back to her soft hair. Lucy sighs heavily. “I’ll tell you everything, but you have to promise me two things.”

Then I feel guilty. “I’m sorry. Unless you really want to, don’t tell me. I shouldn’t try to force you to tell me because I don’t like not knowing.”

“No, I want to tell you. You need to promise me though.”


“You have to go with me somewhere and it has to be in two days.”

“Is that it?” I could do that.

“Yes.” After a moment, she hastily adds, “Wait. Let me stay with you until then. I don’t want to stay in my dorm. I want to stay with you.” A long puff of air leaves her mouth. “My brothers are going to be so mad with me.” Lucy looks up at me. “Can I?”

“Yeah, of course.” Before I can ask why her brothers are going to be mad, she rests her forehead against my chest again.

“I wish you didn’t have a game. I don’t want you to go anywhere. I've missed you and...I need you,” she whispers.

A weight lifts off my chest. I’m so fucking happy she’s back. “I’m not going anywhere, Lucy,” I reassure her.

“You’re going where I can’t touch you.” She squeezes me as evidence.