“I could tell based on how he’s playing. I’ve learned a lot by taking pictures, even if I’m looking through the lens.”

To say I’m impressed is an understatement. Lucy calls a few more goals before there’s a knock on the door.

“That’s probably Corey.” She stops short of getting up. “Unless you’re expecting someone?”

I shake my head and get up to answer the door for her. Standing on the other side is an older version of the other two brothers. “You must be Corey. She’s in here.”

His mouth is in a firm line as he steps past me to go find Lucy. Well, hello to you too. I hear him say hello to her, but when I reenter the room, Lucy looks like a pouting, angry child.

“What are you doing, Luce?” he asks her cautiously, but there’s a lace of suspicion in his voice.

“What does it look like I’m doing?” she snaps. Woah. Never seen this side of her. Maybe this brother brings it out of her.

“That’s not what I meant.” His voice is low and threatening. Corey sends a glare at me. I’m obviously not wanted here. It’s then that I notice he’s sitting on my coffee table in front of Lucy with his hands on her knees. Who is he to come here and sit on my coffee table like he owns the place? Okay, it’s not mine, but that’s not the point.

“Do you want me to give you two some privacy?” My question is directed to Lucy, but Corey answers.


“No,” Lucy inputs angrily. “You saw me, Corey. I’m fine. Go home.”

“I’m sorry I haven’t called you, Luce, but you can’t, not today.”

She huffs. “I’m pissed at that, but that’s not what this is about.” Did she say pissed? It fits her mood, but it’s too vulgar of a word for Lucy’s pretty mouth.

Corey is fuming, but there’s something else underneath the surface that’s bothering him. I’m clueless because Lucy won’t tell me anything, and they are being vague.

“Let me take you back to campus, at least.” He wants her away from me. Whether it’s because she’s with me and not them or if it’s so they can talk or both, I don’t know.

Lucy sighs. Her voice is full of heartache when she says, “No, Corey.”

“Seriously?” he asks incredulously.

I don’t know what’s going on, but he needs to stop. She doesn’t want to go, and he doesn’t need to make her feel guilty about whatever it is. “It’s time for you to go.” Both heads snap to look at me with surprise, but Lucy also looks thankful while Corey still looks pissed. “I’ll make sure she gets back safely when she’s ready to go.”

“Who the fuck are you anyway?” He stands and so does Lucy.

“Corey,” Lucy warns. “Patrick understands, I don’t get why you and Jon don’t.”

“Because it’s bullshit, Luce. After everything-”

“Leave,” she interrupts. Her lower lips is quivering slightly, and I wonder if he sees how much he’s upsetting her.

“Damn it. I’m sorry.” Corey reaches for her, but she steps towards me and away from him. Now, he looks betrayed. “Luce.” It’s one word, a plead, an apology, a surprise, but ultimately disbelief.

“Patrick is our barrier until further notice.”

What? I don’t know what it means, but Corey sure does. His eyes are wide, but what she said seems to hit him hard finally. Corey nods, steps forward to kiss her forehead, whispers he loves her, and without another word, he leaves. The moment the door closes, Lucy falls back onto the couch and buries her face in her hands. She doesn’t make a sound, but her shoulders shake. The bastard made her cry. And I’m still completely in the dark over what.

I gently sit down next to her, desperately wanting to comfort her. Lucy leans over and lays with her head in my lap, the tears streaming silently down her face. That’s the scariest thing about it. Who doesn’t make a single sound when they cry? Not a gasp, a whine, a sob, nothing. She grabs my knee and squeezes. I rest my hand on her hip and let my other play with her hair. What I really want to do is go beat the shit out of her brother.

“What can I do to make it better?” I whisper. I don’t want to speak too loudly because she might break. Hell, she might already be broken. I don’t know. I'm freaked out that she’s not making any noise. Not even a sniffle. Lucy shakes her head in reply. The front door opens, and Neil cracks a joke at Bo. “Come on.”

She stands and as I start to lead her down the hallway to my bedroom, Neil catches sight of us.

“Grant! What-”

“Good night,” I cut him off.