“No, I think that's it. Are you sure you don't mind?”

“Not at all. Almost to the store now, so I should be there in twenty or thirty minutes. Text me if you think of anything else, though I can't promise you'll get it. I won't go back to the store after I've left.”

“Okay. Thanks, Neil.”

“Welcome.” I hang up, having the urge to bang my head against my steering wheel. I need sleep. Not to run around, buying things to satisfy Audra's wacky cravings. With a deep breath, I push the negative thoughts away. Those aren't going to do me any good anyway. As fast as I can, I grab what Audra wants, ignore the curious look from the cashier, and go to her place.

It takes her a moment to answer, almost giving me enough time to rest my head on the doorframe. Even a few seconds of sleep would be good. Audra looks relieved when she opens the door and sees me. I hand her the bag as I'm invited in. She rubs her lower back on her way to the kitchen. I go sit on the couch, and she appears moments later with a spoon.

“Sit here,” I tell her, patting my thighs twice.


“Just do it.”

“I might break your legs.” She looks really serious, and I laugh.

“You aren't that big. Sit.”

Audra does, placing the bag on the coffee table in front of her, and she leans forward to pull out her item of choice. She goes for the pudding first.

“Do you trust me?” I ask. She shrugs. I rest my fingers on her shoulder and begin to massage. A low moan escapes her lips, causing me to smile. She doesn't say anything as I work my thumbs down her back along her spine. When I get to her lower back, the moan is louder. I swallow hard when I realize the sounds she's making are turning me on.

“God, I forgot how good you were with your hands. First my feet and now this, mmm,” she finishes in an appreciative hum.

“Be quiet and eat your food,” I mutter.

I keep massaging while she moves on to the pretzels and a cheese stick. My yawning is getting out of control, but Audra hasn't noticed yet. My hands slow as all my energy starts to leave me. I've been up for almost twenty-four hours. Sleep, that's what I need. My eyes droop close, but they peer open when Audra looks over her shoulder at me.

“Oh! God, I'm so sorry. Look at you. You're exhausted and I'm keeping you awake.”

Barely. “I'm going to sleep right here, okay? Not a good idea to drive.” All my thoughts are revolved around three words: Go to sleep.

Audra stands, nodding, and my body moves almost on its own accord. I lay down, stuffing the throw pillow under my head. My eyes close as a cover is placed over me.

“Do you have a morning class?” I hear.

Not sure if I answer or not before I'm asleep.

“NEIL DIDN'T COME home?” Bo questions, his brows furrowing.

“Doesn't look like it,” I answer, grabbing a bowl for some cereal.

“He's not answering,” he comments. I look over my shoulder to see his phone pressed to his ear.

“Should we be worried?” I question with confusion. It's not like Neil hasn't stayed out all night before. He hasn't since he's been working, but hey, maybe he found some chick to bang after work.

“I don't know,” Bo replies and I can hear the worry in his voice. “He does get off really late and he would have been up for almost an entire day by the time he got off. He might have fallen asleep while driving...”

“I'm touched you're so worried,” Neil voices as he rounds the corner into the kitchen.

“You look like hell,” I say, taking a seat at the table to eat. His hair is all over the place and he's still in his rumpled work uniform. He even has bags under his eyes.

Neil groans and sinks into a chair. “Fuck, it's going to be a long day and a long week.”

“Where were you?” Bo asks.

Neil quickly looks at me, almost so quickly that I could have missed it if I wasn't already looking at him. “Crashed at a friend's place that's close to work. It was late, and I was too tired to stay awake long enough to drive here.”