Ugh, great.

Audra's killing me! She needs to stop falling asleep on me. Her hand moves to her belly, and I wonder if the baby is moving. Gingerly, I place my hand near hers and feel a kick. Moving a little closer, I lean down to whisper.

“Hey, baby girl.” I glance at Audra, but she hasn't stirred. “How are you doing? Moving around a lot these days, huh? Your momma might want you to nap too.” There's more movement under my hand, and I'm amazed. Part of me feels crazy for talking to her belly, but I can't seem to stop either. “In case you didn't know, I'm your daddy,” I continue, talking softly. “Don't listen to all this nonsense your momma is saying either. I wouldn't leave her or you, baby girl. She doesn't know yet that I'm a decent guy. Don't worry. I'll prove it.”

With a lot of care not to disturb Audra, I kiss her stomach before leaning back into my seat. I actually feel a little better. Maybe I am going crazy. About thirty minutes pass and she still hasn't woken up. I grab the notepad and pen on the end table and write a note that I left. Quietly, I go to the door, turn the knob, and I'm so close to stepping through the threshold when I hear Audra's voice.


Turning, I face her, closing the door almost all the way. She's sitting up, watching me. “You were sleeping, so I was going to head home before I have to go into work.”

“Oh, sorry about falling asleep on you.”

“It's fine. Later.” I turn once again, but she stops me.


“Yeah?” I look at her to see that she's standing now and moving towards me, but she stops about halfway.

“I just wanted to apologize again about what I said.”

I give her a little smile. “It's okay, Audra. Promise. I should go, though.”

“Right. Bye.”

One final time, I turn to leave, opening the door all the way. On the other side stands some chick, who smiles when she sees me.

“Well, hello hottie. Would you like-”

“Don't even!” Audra almost shouts, rushing to stand in front of me, holding her arm out behind her like she wants me to stay back. “He's off limits, Mimi, so don't even say it.”

The girl, Mimi, looks me over again. “He's too hot to be off limits, Audra. Who is he anyway?”

“Neil,” I offer. Mimi's eyes widen, and she's connected the dots of how I know Audra. I put my hands on Audra's shoulders and twirl her to face me. “I'll see you tomorrow. Call me if you need anything.” She nods. I kiss her temple before stepping around the girls to leave finally, not exactly knowing what to think about this Mimi, Audra's reaction to whatever she was going to say, and the kiss I gave her.

MY EYES ARE trying their hardest to shut as I buckle up. I've just finished working for the night and it's tempting to sleep in my car instead of driving home. The loud ringing of my phone snaps me out of it for now. When I pull it out of my pocket and see Audra's name, panic sweeps through me. What has happened? Why is she calling me so late?

Gulping, I answer, “Audra? Is everything okay?”

“Yeah, everything's fine. I haven't been able to sleep and I'd really hate to bother my parents, so-”

“So you called to bother me?” I chuckle.

Audra laughs softly. “Pretty much. Could you come over? Are you still at work?”

“Just got off, but I can come over if you want me to.” Not sure how that will help, but okay.

“Thanks, Neil.” She pauses, hesitating before adding, “Would it be too much trouble to stop by the store?”

“No,” I answer, cranking my car. Looks like I won't be getting home any time soon. “What do you want?”


“Pretzels?” I question as I back out and start heading towards the nearest 24-hour grocery store.

“And cheese sticks. And maybe some chocolate pudding too.”

Shaking my head at her, I laugh. “Pretzels, cheese sticks, and chocolate pudding? Anything else?”