I smile, beginning to rub her feet. “It was great, but I'm tired. Does this feel good?” I question, referring to the work my hands are doing.

“I think I love you,” she moans, causing me to laugh.

“That has to be the hormones talking,” I say as I continue to massage her feet.

Her eyes are closed from the pleasure and she doesn't miss a beat when she hums her agreement. “You're probably right because I've been really horny lately too. But I'll definitely accept the foot massage.”

My hands stop moving at her words, and I stare at her. Audra has completely thrown me. I can't believe she would say something like that, especially since she's caught the attention of her mother as well. Her eyes pop open, her head lifts, and she raises an eyebrow.

“Finding it hard to chide a pregnant woman, aren't you?” she asks us, glancing back and forth. “God, I love being pregnant. People won't say anything to some of the stuff that comes out of my mouth. It's like I'm an old lady and they don't think they can say anything because I might burst into tears, which is totally plausible, by the way.”

“Yeah, well, don't plan on getting knocked up again at any point in the next five years, Audra,” her mother orders.

“No worries, Ma. Keep rubbing, Neil.”

Chuckling, I follow orders. Her mother finishes cooking, bringing a plate to Audra minutes later.

“I have to go, Audra.” She leans down to kiss her forehead. “Call if you need me.”

“Thanks, Ma. Really, thanks.”

“You're welcome. Maybe next time, we can get to know each other better, Neil.”

“That sounds great, Mrs. Garcia,” I reply.

She and Audra exchange goodbyes before she leaves. Audra pulls her feet from my lap to sit up, so she can eat. It looks like some sort of creamy soup.

“Feel free to fix yourself a bowl, Neil,” she offers.

I decline, having just eaten. Maybe this will be a good time to bring up the test. For a moment, I watch her purse her lips to cool down her spoonful of soup. Part of me is extremely relieved because Audra isn't too bad to be around. She's been easy to get along with and hanging out with her has almost been enjoyable. Shaking my head and clearing my throat, I decide to get it over with.

“I saw my parents over the weekend.”

“Really? Did you tell them about the baby?”

“Yeah. They are insisting on a paternity test.” I watch her carefully for any ounce of a bad reaction. She shouldn't give me one, but who knows.

Audra nods in agreement. “Okay, cool. At least if we do it now and you know, then you can't ever bring it up when we get into an argument or use it as an excuse to leave me high and dry with a baby.”

And there goes how good I felt about things. Not like I can blame her for saying shit like that. On the ot

her hand, just because I'm a guy who has fucked around a lot, doesn't mean I'm a terrible person with no morals.

Or maybe it does.

What the fuck do I know?

I clench my jaw to refrain from saying something I'll regret because it'll probably make her cry. That's the last thing I want to do. But my mind won't stop thinking. The girls all know that there's nothing between me and them and that my intentions are only to have sex. Nothing more, nothing less. That has to count for something, right? That I'm honest and upfront? Or does none of that matter because I'm still a shitty guy who will sleep with pretty much any girl? Not that I've had the time to get laid lately...

Maybe it's not even about that. Maybe it's because I told her to give the baby up for adoption that day. Audra may have that locked in her mind, and she's really worried that I'll leave her “high and dry” at the first opportunity. Either way, I'm pissed. If I was going to do that, I would have already.

“Sorry, Neil. That was wrong of me to say, wasn't it?” Audra looks genuinely remorseful, but I don't give two shits. I'm not here to impress her. I'm here because I need to know my kid's mom so we'll be able to raise her together.

“It doesn't matter. How about we keep our talk limited to things concerning the baby and not what kind of people we are?”

“Yeah, okay,” she mutters.

We're silent as she finishes her bowl. She sets it on the table and leans back, getting comfortable. I don't think I can open my mouth yet, so I keep quiet. Audra seems to know this because she stays quiet too. When I finally feel ready, I turn to look and find Audra asleep.