Neil comes back in, his face tight, looking a bit concerned. Remembering Bo's comment, I don't ask any questions. Neither does he. Neil grabs a change of clothes and disappears into the bathroom. Grant walks in with a smile on his face.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” Bo jokes.

“Did Lucy show you her appreciation for fulfilling the favor?”

Grant cu

ts me a look that could kill. “Shut the hell up.”

“Someone's touchy about their girl,” Neil comments, coming out of the bathroom.

“She's not my girl,” he defends himself, making us laugh.

Neil shrugs. “Could be worse. You could be like Winston.”

“Will you stop with that?” I wish he had never seen me in the store that day.

As Neil goes to lay down, he surprises the hell out of all of us. “Fine. I give you props for buying tampons for a girl you aren't even dating. You should be proud of it actually.”

He's stunned us with what he said. I don't think any of us knows what to say. He turns off the lamp, so we begin to change for bed as well. Maddie finally texts me back, and I read what she said.

Maddie: I've always wanted to have a campout in the backyard.

Seriously? I text her back and tell her to count on us doing that one day soon before I settle in for the night.

LAST THING I expect to find when we get home on Sunday is Maddie sitting on the front porch steps. She smiles when she sees us and the guys go in ahead of me. I sit next to her on the steps.

“Hey,” she says.

“Hey. What are you doing here?”

“Depends.” Maddie looks a little anxious as her knee starts bouncing like it did that night on the bench.


“If you have plans today.” When I shake my head, she blows out a steady stream of air like she was holding it in. “Then you're hanging out with me.”

I grin. “You aren't going to ask if I want to? Did you miss me that much?”

Maddie glares at me, stuffing her hands into the kangaroo pocket of her hoodie. “Don't be an ass, Winston. I need a Madea day again. So are we going to freeze our asses off or watch some movies?”

Standing, I hold out my hand to her. She takes it, and I pull her up before leading her inside. I keep her hand in mine as we walk to my room, Neil and Bo heading out for their Sunday routine.

“What are y'all about to do?” Grant asks with nothing but genuine curiosity, leaning against the door to his room. That's how all his questions come across, with pure curiosity.

“Watch a Madea movie. Maybe you can call Lucy and we can all watch it together.”

“Sure, that sounds like fun. I'll call her.” He disappears into his room, and I face Maddie.

“Get the movies and I'll fix some popcorn.”

She smiles. “Thank you, Winston.” Maddie places her hand on my shoulder for leverage and pushes herself up with her tiptoes to kiss my cheek. She quickly walks around me and into my room before I can react. I head into the kitchen to get started on that popcorn. Grant appears moments later, saying that Patrick is bringing Lucy over.

“What's going on between you two? Seriously.”

“What's going on with you and Maddie?” he counters, grabbing a drink from the fridge.

“What are y'all talking about?”