If I was standing up, I would be pacing. “I was out of line that day with Winston.”

“I know,” he interrupts. “I don't want any stalling, Neil. I want to be informed on my players, so let's hear it.”

Sighing, I run a hand over my face. “I've gotten a girl pregnant, so things have been a bit stressful since I found out. I'm working, trying to get to know her better because I didn't really know her before, and I got a little behind, but I'm caught up now.”

He nods in understanding. “How far along is she?”

“Six months now.”

He nods again. “Well, make a schedule to manage your time better. You don't need to get behind on homework. Keep me updated, Neil.”

“I will.”

“Good. Go get everyone and meet me on the ice.”

I do that, gathering the guys for Lucy's picture. She wanted us together and smiling and then quick individual shots. It took longer than two seconds, that's for sure. Thankfully, Coach doesn't say anything to us. With a deep breath, I step onto the ice, focusing solely on what it'll take to get a win.

I GRUNT AS a guy slams me into the boards. Son of a bitch, these guys are killing me. My legs work on double time to push me forward to regain possession of the puck. There's two minutes left in the third and we're tied 1-1. I'm tired and not one to normally complain about hockey, but I'm ready for this damn game to be over. I steal the puck and pass it to Neil, who passes it to Vincent. He passes it to Bo, who ends up giving it back to Neil to slap it in!

Thank God.

We've got a lead.

Now, we need to hold onto it for a little bit longer. The puck travels down the ice towards Grant, who's ready and waiting. He's been killin' it tonight. This team we're playing against has been hounding him, testing his every ability, waiting for him to slip up. And he's only slipped once. We regain possession and get the puck away from him as the seconds countdown, leading to the buzzer.

I bump my stick against Grant's leg in congrats as we head back to the locker room. He especially seemed to need this win after the loss the other night. Although, he did seem fine once Neil talked to him. The room is buzzing from the win, but I'm too tired to be a part of it. Faintly, as I change, I remember what Maddie told me before I left, so I send her a quick text.

Me: How are you doing without me? Here's your chance for a half-naked pic! Lol

Her reply is almost instant.

Maddie: Going to go with no pic. I might orgasm on the spot. ;) Bahaha

I laugh, shaking my head with wonder at her. She's not sticking to our plan. Friends aren't supposed to say things like that.

Me: True. I'm a damn good looking hockey player.

Maddie: Speaking of, y'all win?

I reply that we did.

Maddie: You won & I got a B on my test! :D How are we going to celebrate? ;)

Could a winky face be deceiving? I want to punch myself as soon as the thought passes my mind. This is the problem with texting. There is too much room for misinterpretation. Is it a harmless, little sign of flirting or are there dirty thoughts behind that wink? Or maybe Maddie is just a winky face addict. That is the second one she's sent me in this conversation.

Me: How do you want to celebrate?

There. Now she can tell me her intentions. While I wait for a reply, we load up onto the bus, heading to our hotel for the night. Grant, Neil, Bo, and I are all sharing a room. Bo seems to be in his own world, Grant has snuck over to Lucy's room for a bit, and Neil has stepped out to make a phone call.

“Who does he keep calling?” I ask. Normally, I wouldn't care, but Neil has been almost suspicious behaving, and it's making me curious.

Bo shrugs. “If he wanted us to know, he'd say something, you know that.”

I guess. Neil doesn't hide anything, but he doesn't go out of his way to share it either. Funny how Bo included himself into that “us” when I'd bet my life that he already knows what's going on with Neil. Something is up. He's gone more than usual, makes secretive phone calls, and is working his ass off.

“He's not gotten himself into any trouble, has he?”

Bo finally looks at me from his channel surfing. “No. You're starting to sound like Grant with all your questions.” He chuckles and resumes flipping through the channels.