“All right, well, I just wanted to come say hey and tell Grant to make sure you get back to campus safely.”

God, I hate this guy. “I'll even tuck her into bed, if you want, Jonathan.”

Just as I figured, that pisses him off. Lucy stands, hugs him, and kisses his cheek before he can respond. “I'll see you later, Jon. Love ya.”

“Love ya too, Lucy,” he replies before turning and walking away.

Lucy starts giggling once he's out the door. “That was funny, but you made him mad. I'm glad he left though.”

“Why? I thought you loved your brothers?”

“Oh, I do, but he's ridiculous sometimes and I don't like his girlfriend.”

I raise my eyebrows at her. “Really? Didn't y'all plan to hang out only a second ago?” Okay, I'm officially confused.

“Yeah, but it won't ever actually happen. That's my brother's girlfriend and unlike them, I try to be polite. He won't stop dating her because I don't like her and I wouldn't want him to either. So I smile and get along with them regardless.”

Nodding in understanding, I ask, “What don't you like about her then?”

“My brother could do better,” is all she says.

“Are you coming with the team this weekend?” A change of subject is needed, it seems, because Lucy doesn't look like she's going to say more.

“Yeah, I'll be there,” she answers with a smile.

MY PARENTS ARE going to be at one of my games this weekend since Thanksgiving is in two weeks and I'm not coming home for dinner. This isn't new. I usually stay here for the holidays. Sometimes, I'll go to the Lanier's. Anyway, I've been thinking about what Audra said, but something is holding me back. It's not a conversation I want to have right now, but I still have to have dinner with them, which is why I'm walking into a restaurant. Maybe I should go ahead and tell them.

“Hey, son,” my mother smiles when I find their table and take a seat.

“Hey, Mom, Dad,” I lift my lips at them.

“We went ahead and ordered a salad for you,” she says.

“Thanks.” Not that I wanted a salad, but it'll work.

“That was one hell of a loss the other night,” Dad starts the conversation with a glare from my mom because he cussed. “I hope you've regrouped for tonight's game.”

“Yeah, we have. It wasn't our night, but we're ready to come back and win.”

“Neil,” my mother rests her hand on my arm, “are you getting enough sleep?” She lifts her thumb to brush under my eye. “You look a little tired. You aren't overdoing it with hockey, are you?”

“No, Mom, I'm not. It's been a busy week, that's all.”

She nods and lets it go. Surely, I don't look that bad. I slept the whole ride here. Mom is probably imagining things. She's where I get my worry from. And that makes me think about Audra. I manage small talk with my parents, the conversation staying on school and hockey and their jobs. They don't ask if I'm seeing anyone or what I'm doing in my spare time. School and hockey are all we talk about. That has been the limit of our conversations for a while now. Not like I can place all the blame on them because it's my fault too.

Memories swirl around while I try to stay focused. But it makes me anxious, especially when my dad says something about asking for the bill, so we can leave.

Clearing my throat, I figure this is it. “Actually, I need to inform you about something before we go.”

They glance nervously at one another and Mom says, “You know you can tell us anything, Neil.”

Yeah, okay. We'll see. I haven't forgotten what happened the last time they said that. “I've, um, not been the nicest guy lately, in terms of girls. There's been a lot of them to, uh, be a notch in the bedpost, I guess. Anyway, a girl showed up not too long ago and she's six months pregnant.”

My mom looks like she's seen a ghost, her eyes wide, and her face pale. Dad almost looks pissed with his lips in a firm line, but otherwise, he's expressionless.

“You didn't find out immediately?” he asks. I shake my head. “Are you sure it's yours?”

“She says it is, and I believe her.”