Damn. Who knew there were so many brands and so many different kinds. I find the brand name first and then go down the line until I find the ones she wants. My hand reaches out and grabs it quickly. Now I can get the hell out of here.


Fuck. I turn around to see Neil, a smile rising on his face as he spots the tampons and candy.

“What are you up to?” he asks, walking closer and I want to punch that grin off his face.

“I'm shopping, dumbass.”

“Tampons? I didn't know you needed those.”

“Are you done?” I'm in no mood to hear his crap. Shouldn't he be working or sleeping or something?

He smirks. “Why? Do you have somewhere you need to be?”

“Fuck you, Neil,” I mutter, turning around and leaving his laughter behind. It's a girl at the cashier, which makes me feel a little better, especially when she makes a comment that I must be a great boyfriend. Her mouth parts in surprise when I tell her I'm only doing this for a friend.

There's an odd sense of satisfaction with my completed task as I return to Maddie's dorm. She's laying on her back on her bed. I set the bag down on the nightstand and sit next to her. The corners of her mouth lift slightly.

“I have a surprise for you.”

“Really?” Maddie sits up, excited about what I might have for her.

“Mhm.” I reach into the bag, grabbing a box of candy. When it makes some noise, a full-blown grin appears on her face.

“You certainly know how to make a girl happy,” she says, taking it from me and ripping it open.

“Yeah, I guess so,” I answer, not sure how to respond to her words. Maybe she doesn't realize she said it. After popping a few Gobstoppers into her mouth, she gets up with the bag and disappears into the bathroom. Her books are on her desk, so I grab them before laying on my stomach on the bed. “Where's your roommate?” I question when she returns. She's never here.

“I don't know. We aren't really friends.” Maddie lays next to me and rests her head on my shoulder. Her eyes focus on the books. “I hate this class.”

“Why? What are the tests like? I've been meaning to ask because you know this stuff, Maddie.”

“Fill in the blank and essay. I can't ever remember the key terms once I get started, and without them, I can't answer much.”

“Well, let's work on that.”

While we work on test taking strategies, Maddie keeps bumping her foot into mine, her head still on my shoulder. Two hours pass with her next to me before I have to leave. We've got a game tonight.

“Just remember to relax and do what I've told ya. I gotta get going. We have away games this weekend, so you'll have to survive without me.”

Maddie rolls her eyes. “I'm sure I'll do just fine. If not, send me some half naked pictures to get me through.” She winks and I chuckle, shaking my head.

“OKAY, HERE'S THE deal. I don't have long before I have to be at the rink for tonight and then I'm booked all weekend. I'm so fucking behind on homework, so I brought my books. We're going to have to multitask,” I tell Audra, taking a seat at her kitchen table, which is already filled with textbooks.

“That's fine. It's what I'm doing too.” She frowns as she gazes at me. “You look exhausted, Neil.”


give her a half smile. “Once I get into more of a routine, then it won't be so bad. How are you doing?”

Audra groans. “People are noticing now, and it's making me feel like a cow. I wish you would gain weight too. But I'm feeling pretty good and she keeps moving around.” Audra places her hand on her stomach, smiling. “Do you want to feel?” she asks, lifting her head.

The more I'm over here, the better we get along. I think Audra is actually warming up to me. I mean, she just asked if I would like to touch her stomach. She was super surprised when I first asked, and now she's basically offering. That's progress. Nodding, I reach out, placing my hand where hers just was, but I don't feel anything. It's honestly a bit of a disappointment. Why does Audra get to experience this all the time and for me, it's all about luck? Being in the right place at the right time. She moves my hand a few times before I finally feel the movement.

“It never fails to be amazing,” I whisper.

“I know.” Audra takes a deep breath before adding, “We should get to work.” We start on the mountain of homework and talk here and there throughout. “Have you told your parents yet?”