“Having fun?” I ask.

Maddie looks over at me. “Yeah, mostly. Not really a sports-watching kind of girl.” With a grin, she adds, “I definitely like seeing you play, though.”

I shake my head. What am I supposed to say to that? The game ends quickly it seems and we're on our way back to campus to drop the girls off. Maddie and Lucy are making plans to hang out soon. Grant walks Lucy to her dorm while Maddie and I head towards hers.

“Thanks for tonight, Winston,” she says.

“You're welcome. You still want me to come over tomorrow?” Maddie nods. “Okay, I'll be here after practice.” My phone starts vibrating in my pocket, so I pull it out.

“Let me guess? It's your other half,” she deadpans, almost annoyed with me.

I laugh. “Yeah, it's Dave.”

“I swear, y'all talk more than girls. Better let you go. Heaven forbid he finds out I'm with you,” she finishes as we reach the door. “Thanks again.” Maddie stands on her tiptoes, but I lean down to help her out as she places a soft kiss on my cheek. And then she's walking away before I can comment on what she said.

Swiping my finger over the screen, Dave appears. “You sure are spending a lot of time outside.”

“Leave me alone. Just got back from a game and I'm about to head home. Did you decide when you're coming up yet?”

“No, not yet. My woman says I've already committed a weekend to her, but I apparently forgot about it. I'm having to wait for her to quit being angry before I pick a weekend.”

“Your woman?” I laugh. “You can't say her name or something?”

Dave shrugs. “She likes when I call her that.”

I shake my head as I come up on Grant's truck, where he's already waiting. “I gotta go. Maybe you should call your woman.”

“LOOK WHO FINALLY decided to show up,” Maddie snaps as soon as I open the room to her dorm.

“Sorry. I'm here now,” I try, feeling a little unsure of myself. I've never seen a pissed off Maddie. Practice ran super late because Vincent pissed off Coach.

“You couldn't have texted that you would be late?” She picks up her pillow at the head of the bed and then throws it down again in anger. Before I can answer, she keeps on ranting. “A text only takes five seconds, Winston. It doesn't matter anyway. I'm not in the mood to study or be around you today. Might as well leave.”

What? She wants me to leave because I was late? Her tone pisses me off a little. “What the hell is going on with you? Are you PMSing or something?”

Maddie turns around slowly, the fury rolling off her in tsunami-sized waves. “Are you an idiot, Winston?” she yells. “You're seriously going to ask if I'm PMSing?!” She picks up a pillow and throws it at me, but I catch it easily.

“Well? Are you?”

Her shoulders sag. “Maybe.”

I walk over and hand her the pillow. She clutches it to her chest and sits down on the bed. Following suit, I lean over to press a soft kiss to her temple because kisses make everything better, right? “Do you want me to go?”

“Yeah, I don't want to yell at you for no reason. Plus, I have to go to the store.”

“I'll go. What do you need?” I ask, despite the sinking feeling in my stomach over what she's going to say.

She gives me an “are you serious?” look. “Don't worry, Winston. I can go.”

Shaking my head at her, I insist, “Write down exactly what it is you need and I'll go get it.” Reaching around her, I grab the sticky notepad and a pen from her nightstand. “Here.”

Maddie doesn't argue as she writes down her preferred product. God, what has happened to me? I'm offering to go buy tampons. She didn't even have to ask me! She hands me the paper, and I look over her girly, loopy handwriting.

“Thanks, Winston,” she says softly, kissing my cheek.

I give her a smile. “Yeah, yeah. I'll be back and when I do, you're studying, so get your ass in gear.”

She rolls her eyes and pushes my shoulder playfully. On my way out, I notice her stack of Gobstoppers are low. The drug store is surprisingly scarce of people. I find the candy first and grab three boxes. That has to soften her up if she's still irritated when I return. I make my way to the correct aisle and look down at my sticky note and then back at the shelves upon shelves of feminine products.