“So what do you suggest for that to happen?”

“We meet two or three times a week to hang out. We'll have to figure out when our schedules can coincide for that, but it's possible. From there, we can learn how to make things work for us pre-baby and post-baby.”

Great. Another commitment to add to my list of things to fit into my schedule, but this is important, so I'll have to find room. “I can do that.”

I'M ALMOST POSITIVE that something is wrong with Lucy. Why? Because she makes me worry for no good reason. It's been days since she came over, and in a moment of panic with her question about if she would be alone with me or not when she comes to the house, I texted Winston Sunday to see if he wanted to go to the game. Lucy seemed fine that day, but I kept thinking that she would be more comfortable if it wasn't just us. Plus, it definitely wouldn't feel like a date.

A smile finds its way to my lips at remembering Lucy's horror expression that it might be a date. Winston and I are on our way to pick up the girls from campus. They are supposed to be waiting in the parking lot closest to Maddie's dorm. Tonight will be a much welcomed getaway. Bo and Neil are bickering more than usual and it's not like Neil is at the house all that often. I don't know where he goes, but he's not at the house. His mood is all over the place, and I think it's largely from lack of a decent sleep. I'm definitely ready for tonight.

The girls are chitchatting, obviously getting acquainted with one another. Lucy laughs at something Maddie says and I kind of wish I could hear it. Once I put the truck in park, I take in that she looks pretty in jeans and a black sweater that really makes her eyes stand out. Eyes that have thin black eyeliner around them. Something seems different about her other than the makeup, but I can't put my finger on it. We hop out of my truck and say hello to them as they walk over to us. I open the passenger door for Lucy while Winston moves to the back seat with Maddie.

“Thanks, Grant,” Lucy says with a smile over her shoulder before she climbs into the vehicle.

“Mhm.” Then I walk around, get in, and we're on our way. Maddie and Winston are talking quietly, so I glance at Lucy. “Please tell me that you've had a good week so far.”

She laughs, granting me the luxury to hear it. “Yeah, I have. Why do you say it like that?”

“Seems like everyone else isn't having a good one and I didn't want you to be grouchy too.” As an afterthought, I add, “Have you ever been grouchy, Lucy? I don't think I could imagine you being that way.”

“Oh, I could so be that way. It's rare, though. I rather not have negative emotions.” What she says totally fits because I couldn't see her with those emotions either.

“Hey,” Winston pipes in. “Don't let him fool you about us. I haven't been pissy, only Bo and Neil. Are y'all excited for your first pro game?”

“Most definitely,” Maddie says from behind me.

“Um, yeah,” Lucy adds.

I chuckle. “You don't sound so sure.”

“I feel kind of naked.” My head swings over to her, and she quickly rushes, “I mean, I don't have my camera with me. I feel like I'm going to miss something and like I'm naked without it.”

Ah, that's it. She doesn't have that camera hanging around her neck. That's why she looked different. “You'll be fine, promise. What did your brothers say about you coming with me?” I figure that they know, and I'm curious to hear their response.

Maddie leans forward until her head is between our seats. “Ooh, yes, let's talk about those delicious brothers of yours.”

Winston groans and Lucy looks almost embarrassed to hear someone talk about her brothers that way.

“They don't know. They didn't ask, and I didn't offer.” Lucy focuses on me with a hard look that I thankfully don't have to see for long because my eyes are back on the road. “Just because they look out for me doesn't mean that they run my life, Grant.”

“I didn't mean it like that,” I stumble, feeling like I've been scolded.

She laughs. “Yes, you did. It's okay. A lot of people assume that.”

Before I can offer an apology, Maddie starts peppering her about her brothers' relationship statuses. After disappointing answers that don't reveal much, Maddie starts picking on Winston. Apparently, they've been working out together and Maddie is a faster runner than him.

“Your short legs somehow manage to get you more distance, that's all,” he brushes her off.

Lucy falls quiet as they continue talking. The arena isn't too far away and finding a place to park doesn't take long. As we begin walking to the building, Maddie and Winston are slightly ahead of us in their own little world, and Lucy takes in everything around us.

“Wow, there are a lot of people here,” she whispers in awe with a touch of fear.

I reach over and take her hand. We haven't even walked inside yet. “Do crowds bother you?” Because there is about to be a more packed one.

“Not really, but don't let go.” She squeezes my hand as we fall in line behind Maddie and Winston. Lucy rubs her arm with her free hand. “I thought this would be enough,” she mumbles.

“I would offer my jacket, but...”

“You don't have one,” she laughs.