As Jamie sets about doing that, FC turns to me. “Come find me if you need me; otherwise, I’ll see you at lunch. You’re in good hands with Jamie.” My heart slows to a stop as he leans forward and kisses me softly on the mouth. The I love you is on the tip of my tongue once more.
“Okay, FC. Go work before I report to the boss that you’re wasting time in my office,” Jamie says. “I’ll be nice to Idaline, I promise.”
FC squeezes my hand before disappearing into the shop. Jamie ushers me into the chair she brought around.
She eyes me as if I’m a long-lost toy or something. “FC’s in love with you, you know. He hadn’t worked here for a week before everyone in the shop knew about you and how he was essentially waiting for you. That’s why you’re here, isn’t it?”
Well, she jumps right to the point and doesn’t beat around the bush at all.
“Yes,” I answer.
Jamie grins. “That’s awesome to hear. I promise that’s as much as I’ll get into your business. I do my best to stay out of other people’s lives, but I had to get that much out. If you need a friend, I’m an option. I know you’re new to the area and it can’t hurt to have someone close by other than FC to talk to, if needed.”
For the first two hours, in between interruptions from phone calls and customers coming in, Jamie and I get to know one another better. She seems like a pretty cool person. She could easily become a friend of mine. Once she declares she must actually focus on work, she gives me the wifi password and I’m able to focus on some of my list of things to do as well.
I figure I better look for a job first. It won’t do me much good to get an apartment if I don’t have income coming in. There are a few positions available in the area and I spend every moment until FC comes to find me for lunch filling out applications. One of them has to pan out.
“How was your morning?” FC asks as we leave for lunch.
“Good. Jamie is nice and I’ve been filling out job applications all morning. I’ll hunt for an apartment when I get back.”
“Are you still feeling good about moving here? No second thoughts or hesitations?” FC glances at me as he stops at a stoplight.
Honestly, I feel lighter than I have in months. It’s as if my mentality needed a change of scenery. A fresh start to erase the bad feelings and anxieties, and that’s moving close to FC and officially starting a relationship with him. “This feels like the best decision I’ve made in a long time,” I tell him, causing him to grin as the light turns green.
> We soon arrive at a restaurant. FC takes my hand, but we don’t speak until after we’ve placed our orders. FC looks a bit hesitant, nervous, and I worry about what he’ll say.
“You’re,” he takes a deep breath. “You’re okay with not moving in with me, right? I mean, I’d love to someday, but don’t you think it’s too soon? And with Sawyer involved, I don’t want to rush anything, especially since I threw you for a loop where he is involved.”
“FC,” I interrupt because it seems as if he wants to keep on talking. “It’s fine. I don’t want to move in with you right now. Maybe someday, like you said. I think it’ll be too much too soon for us to take that step. I want my own place.” Not only do I think it’s too soon for us, but I still want my own space for when I may need it, anxiety-wise.
FC relaxes. “Okay, good. I’m glad we’re on the same page then. Can I take you on a proper date tonight?”
“I don’t have any other plans,” I tease with a laugh.
He smiles and lifts my hand to his mouth for a kiss. “Then you’re all mine as long as Sawyer has a babysitter.”
This feels so surreal. Not only that I’m here with FC, but that after all this time, we’re talking about going on dates. Talking about relationships and moving closer to one another so we can be together like we’ve always wanted.
“What’s the smile for?” FC asks.
I didn’t even realize I was smiling. “I’m glad I’m here is all.” Not much can bring me down from this high.
We spend more time catching up over lunch before returning to FC’s work. There, I search for places to rent and make appointments for later in the week to look at a few different places. FC buzzes with energy on the way home, knowing we’ll have our first date tonight.
His mom heads home soon after we arrive, as his nana is actually the one who will babysit for him. I’m both nervous and a bit excited about meeting her. I play with Sawyer on FC’s bed while FC showers. It’s not as hard or complicated as I thought it might be to keep the baby occupied. He likes playing with the toys FC left him and it seems easy to find ways to entertain him.
When he leans against my chest while he plays with a stuffed animal, an odd feeling wraps around my soul. It’s such a sweet action. It’s as if he’s comfortable with me already, even though I don’t feel as if I’m fully there yet with him.
“Do you even know who I am?” I ask him like he might answer.
Sawyer looks up at me.
“Idaline. Can you say that? I-da-line.” I repeat it a few more times while he says words he understands and tosses in a few DaDas, but eventually, he swoops in and steals my heart.
“AhDa,” he says.