“What’s that?”

“Should I move in?”

FC is quiet for a little longer than my comfort would like. “Do you want to?” he finally asks. “I’d love to have you if you do.”

“Only if you can promise I won’t have to move again for a long, long time.” This will be my third move in less than six months.

FC laughs. “That I can promise you, love.”

It looks like I’m moving in with FC. It’s amazing, you have to admit. All that’s happened in the last twenty-four hours as a result of us simply communicating as usual, just in an old method that hadn’t been used recently. Now, I have to move in and get ready for his family meeting mine. But also for me meeting Karen and Bobby.

Idaline moved in about two weeks ago and things have been smooth going so far. Today, our families are meeting at my parents’ for everyone to get acquainted. Idaline hasn’t been able to sit down for the past hour. She’s up and down, moving here and there. She’s anxious about meeting Lila’s parents. I haven’t said anything to her yet because I don’t want to make her more nervous.

Sawyer is fascinated by her, though. He can’t stop watching her to see where she’ll go next. It makes me wonder if he can feel her anxious energy or if he knows something is wrong. He has tried to follow her a few times, but Idaline hasn’t noticed the little toddler wobbling behind her.

“I can’t do it!” she blurts out. “There’s too much pressure. I won’t go!” And off she goes to our bedroom.

I stand and hold Sawyer’s hand, allowing him to walk with me. “Idaline.” That’s all I say when I enter my bedroom to find her shedding her clothes. “Ahda,” Sawyer repeats after me, giving me a cheeky grin. I smile back before focusing on Idaline. “Put your clothes back on. It’ll be fine, love. We can’t exactly show up without you.”

“They’ll hate me,” she whispers as her shoulders sag. She finally sits on the edge of the bed.

Sawyer and I walk over to her. I sit down next to her and pick Sawyer up to sit him in my lap. “I’ve talked to them, Idaline. They’re excited to meet you.” Idaline gives me a look. “Okay, excited is a strong word, but they are looking forward to meeting the woman who will be raising their grandson with me. You got this.” She doesn’t say anything for a moment, so I bring out the big guns. “Do it for Sawyer, Idaline.” She lifts her head to look at my son. “They are his grandparents, just like your parents are now. Do it for him. So we can be this big awkward family.”

Idaline sighs. “You shouldn’t be able to use him against me.” She grabs her shirt and puts it on before reaching for Sawyer. “It’s not fair when he’s as adorable as you are.”

“Whatever it takes, love. Let’s go before you change your mind.”

It seems everyone is eager about today because we’re the last to arrive and we’re still early. Everyone seems to converge on us as soon as we walk in the door.

“Everyone can back off,” I say with a laugh. “There will be plenty of time to spoil my son, but you’re scaring him.” He’s hidden his face, even though he knows everyone here. Having them standing around us, talking all at once, and various sets of arms reaching for him isn’t something he’s liking right now. I’m overwhelmed myself.

They give us some room to come in and sit. Idaline sits on the arm of the chair and Sawyer doesn’t make a move to leave me yet.

“Looks like y’all have gotten to know each other just fine,” I say as I look at all of them. They all sort of talk at once, speaking of their excitement. Once things tamp down, I look at Lila’s parents. “Karen, Bobby, this is my fiancée, Idaline.”

“It’s nice to meet you,” Karen says. Her gaze switches back to me. “Your mom told us you were engaged. Congratulations.”

“Thanks. Sawyer, son, don’t you want to visit?” I ask as I set him on his feet. He looks at all the people: my parents, Nana, Lila’s parents, Idaline’s parents, her brother, sister-in-law, and their niece, plus Grandpa McAllister. Sawyer walks and it’s like the entire room holds their breath to see who he’ll go to first. For some reason, I’m not surprised when he chooses Grandpa McAllister and little Kelsey, who sits in his lap.

Conversation picks up right where it left off before we arrived. Idaline keeps squeezing my hand on and off. I actually don’t blame her for being nervous still since Karen dismissed her a little. Idaline surprises me when she stands and walks over to Lila’s parents.

“I just want to apologize for what happened,” she begins quietly. “If I could change what happened, I would.”

Bobby is the one who reaches out to hold Idaline’s hand. “You were only protecting yourself; we understand that. Let’s move on from it and work toward being there for Sawyer.”

A simple exchange and the weight of Lila’s death falls off Idaline’s shoulders. It’s as if I can see the weighted shroud cascade to the ground with a thud. Idaline takes a deep breath, smiles, and returns to sit with me. Whatever issues she had left? I bet this resolves them. Her soul is much lighter. I can see it and feel it.

With that over, the rest of the evening goes well. All of the grandparents get to know one another and spend some time spoiling Sawyer. Karen and Bobby get to know more about Idaline, too. The most surprising and disturbing turn of events is the flirting going on between Nana and Grandpa McAllister. Idaline seems to be stunned into disbelief.

“He hasn’t flirted like that with anyone. What is happening?” she whispers.

“Let them have their fun.”

It is a little weird, though. After eating, Sawyer is ready for a nap. Karen and Bobby head home since they have quite a drive. Idaline’s parents are next to go once Sawyer has fallen asleep in Idaline’s arms. I’m actually in no rush to head home, but maybe I should be. We’re sitting on the couch, talking, and Idaline’s head falls onto my shoulder. Sawyer isn’t the only one who’s tired.

“Maybe you should get your family home,” Nana says.

“Trying to get rid of me, Nana?” I ask.