FC pulls away. “I knew a good speech would pull you around.”

“So why propose now?” I question with curiosity as I pick Sawyer up.

“Because it felt like the time for us and it honestly seemed more fitting to ask now than during a good time. For better or worse, love. I don’t care what we’re going through, what worries you have, or any other troubles. As long as you’re there, things aren’t quite as bad and we can survive it.” He kisses my cheek and I rest my forehead against his when he pulls away.

“You’re too good for me, you know.”

He grins. “So are you. I’m sorry I kind of blew up on you last night, but I wasn’t expecting what you wrote.”

I shrug. “It’s okay.” I was expecting some of it anyway.

“Let’s eat and do something together today. How does that sound?”

That sounds perfect. FC is more committed than yesterday and he’s reminded me that I’m as committed as he is. That’s what I have to remember. For better or worse, we see each other through and neither of us plans to go anywhere.

My parents are thrilled and not surprised in the least when I call them about my engagement. They want me to plan a gathering so they can come up and meet the rest of FC’s family. Mom also wants to know when I’m moving in with FC because “there’s no sense in having your own apartment now that you’re an engaged woman, Idaline.”

That’s something I’ll have to talk to FC about. I’m a little worried about such a thing, but at the same time, I’m ready to pack my bags. After work, though, I drive over to Nana’s house. Her ring is simply beautiful. It’s a bit showy, but has a classic look in it. My favorite thing about it is that it came from her.

“Oh, Idaline! What a surprise. Come in, come in,” she says upon opening her front door. “I see you’re engaged now.” She winks at me.

“Yeah, that’s kind of what I’m here about.”

“Oh?” she questions as I sit at her kitchen table and she worries over fixing us something to drink. “What’s going on, dear?”

I glance down at this ring I adore and then up at the woman I adore even more. “Are you sure you want me to have it and wear it?”

Nana sits down, handing me a glass of tea. “Idaline, dear, of course. When FC came over that morning and was telling me about y’all’s little spat and how he knew it was time to get more serious and propose, I offered him my ring before he could even get to the thought about how he needed one. I’m so happy you are part of our family and will be in FC’s life. My grandson carries the name of my husband, Freeley, and unfortunately, they never met. It would be an honor to pass that down to the two of you.” She sits up a little straighter. “Now, if you’d rather not accept, that is perfectly okay, too. I won’t mind one bit.”

“No, no,” I rush to say. “I love the idea and it’s an honor to wear it. I just wanted to make sure you were really sure about giving it away.”

Nana pats my hand with a smile. “I’m not giving it away, dear. Simply passing it on to someone who will do justice to what it stands for just as I did. Maybe one day you can do the same.”

Tears spill from the corners of my eyes. I can’t help but burst from my chair and hug the old lady. “Thank you so much, Nana.”

“You’re welcome, my dear. I know you’ll take good care of my grandson and great-grandchildren.” She winks again.

I spend some time with Nana, even staying for dinner. She loves the company and I won’t be one to deny her such a thing. FC calls me as I’m leaving.

r /> “Hey. Everything okay? I usually hear from you by now and I haven’t,” he says as soon as I’ve answered.

“I was visiting with Nana and I’m just leaving. Everything is fine. How was your day at work?”

We talk about our days, which passed pretty much as normal for a bit, before I bring up my conversation with my parents.

“They want to meet your family and come up here for like a family gathering.”

“That sounds nice.” Yet FC sighs.

“What is it?” I ask.

“Maybe we should invite Karen and Bobby. This is essentially so everyone can get to know everyone and maybe they should meet the rest of Sawyer’s family. And you.” He pauses briefly. “Do you think you’d be up for that?”

Anxiety-wise, no, but I’ll have do this at some point. “Sure,” I reply, a little squeak in my voice giving me away.

“It’ll be fine, Idaline. I’ll make sure of it.”

“Thanks.” I take a deep breath. “There’s one more thing.”