Before the night is over with, FC promises that they can meet Sawyer.

Everything is all packed at my apartment, but he surprises me when he doesn’t want to take advantage of the additional night we can stay.

“I really hate to ask this, Idaline, but do you mind if we head home tonight? I’m having Sawyer withdrawals.”

“If that’s what you want to do, I’m okay with it.”

His gorgeous smile blooms on his face and he leans over the console to kiss me. “Thank you. I know we should probably stay and have one more night with just the two of us, but I can’t take it anymore.”

“Then let’s head home.”

We first drop by my apartment, so I can leave my keys and pick up my car. FC called ahead, so his mom is at his apartment with Sawyer. When we get there, he bypasses his mother and walks straight to Sawyer’s bedroom. His mother chuckles.

“I’m surprised he lasted this long to be honest,” she tells me.

I smile. “Me too.”

“If you need any help unpacking, let me know, okay?”


“I’m going to head on home; it’s late. Tell FC I’ll talk to him tomorrow.” His mother gives me a hug and then she’s out the door.

I walk down the hallway and find FC in Sawyer’s room. He stands over the crib, silently watching his son. I walk to his side and look down at him as well. FC takes my hand in his.

“I can’t explain how relieved I feel to come home and find him safe and sound, exactly as I left him. But I keep expecting to see something different. Like did he grow at all while I was gone? Did he eat something new? Do something new? Did he miss me like I missed him? Did he wonder why I was gone? Did he think I left him? Was he scared?” FC glances at me. “I kinda want to wake him up and give him a big hug. Let him know I’m home.”

Whether he should or not, I don’t know. I’m not a parent. So I give the only advice that I can. “He’s your kid; do what you want or what you think you should do.”

FC rests his gaze on Sawyer for all of five seconds before he mutters, “Fuck it,” and picks his son up. Sawyer whines for a second due to being woken up, but FC quickly soothes him. “Don’t worry, son. I’ll let you go right back to sleep in a second.” Hearing FC’s voice wakes Sawyer up even more. He lifts his head from FC’s shoulder and stares at his father.

“Hey,” FC whispers. “I missed you. Can I have some sugar?” Sawyer plants a slobbery kiss on FC and then reveals a toothy smile. “That’s my boy. Come on; let’s lay down.”

We move over into FC’s room. He lays Sawyer in the middle of the bed and then we change and get ready for bed ourselves. FC climbs into bed and Sawyer crawls onto his chest. I lie squarely on my side, watching them with a smile on my face. FC rubs Sawyer’s back, lulling him back to sleep, and then looks over at me.

He slides his arm out. “Scoot over here. I need my favorite people with me.”

Well, he doesn’t need to tell me twice. Sawyer turns his head at the movement of me coming closer. His sleepy eyes watch me warily.

“Hey, Sawyer,” I whisper.

My heart warms when he reaches out and rests his tiny little hand on my face. “Ahda.”

“Yep. That’s me.”

“The kid is breaking my heart in the best way possible,” FC says with a happy sigh.

Sawyer pulls his hand back and snuggles in closer to FC. We stay quiet, soon falling asleep.

We’re utterly exhausted after unloading all of Idaline’s things from our vehicles. Idaline swears she’ll unpack herself later. I’ll worry about actually helping her at another time. Sawyer was a champ today while we worked and I think we all deserve a celebration.

I stand with Sawyer on my hip and hold my hand out to Idaline. “May we take you out? You don’t mind if our first date includes Sawyer and happens after a hard day’s work, do you?”

Idaline smiles. She takes my hand and stands. “I would love to go on a date with you both.”

We gather Sawyer’s diaper bag, decide on where to go, and drive to the restaurant. The restaurant gets a failing grade right from the start because Sawyer needs a diaper change; there isn’t a changing table or anywhere I can change his diaper in the men’s bathroom. I’m two seconds away from simply walking into the women’s bathroom because surely they have one, but I decide maybe I should ask Idaline if she’ll do it for me.

“Back already?” Idaline asks with surprise when I return to the table.