“You said I could leave if I didn’t want the baby. Bye!”

Lila’s footsteps rush toward me and she runs to block the door. “You can’t leave me! We’re having a baby!”

“I’m totally excited,” I deadpan with a blank face. “You trapped me in this relationship with that kid; I don’t want anything to do with it.”

Her swing comes, but I manage to turn and duck. She still gets part of my head. There will probably be a goose egg there tomorrow. “I didn’t trap you!” she yells.

“What the fuck do you call purposely not taking your birth control and repeatedly telling me not to wear a condom? And kicking me out when I refuse to go without one? You trapped me and you damn well know it!” How in the hell does her delusional mind not see that? It’s so crystal clear, it’s impossible to miss.

Lila takes a deep breath, her arms still spread out over the door. “Who’s in South Carolina, FC?”

“What?” Surely she doesn’t know that’s where I went last night. How would she know?

“Answer the question,” she demands. “Who the fuck is in South Carolina!”

“How the hell would I know?”

“That’s where you were last night.”

“What makes you think I was in South Carolina last night?”

“Because you were,” she insists.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Lila.”

The fury stills her entire body. “You were in Greenville, South Carolina, and I want to know why the fuck you were there.”

Holy shit. How in the hell does she know the town I was in? Did she follow me? Does she know I was with Idaline? She’s crazy enough, she’d probably go after her somehow if she does know about her. For now, I continue with not admitting to anything. “Why do you think that’s where I was?”

“Because I can track you through your phone!” she snaps, sounding annoyed.

First, I get trapped with a baby and now, I have less privacy than what little I thought I had. Why haven’t I left already? Why does it have to continue to get worse? Lila shoves me, waiting for an answer. “I left and kept going until I cleared my head. That’s where I ended up.”

“I don’t believe you.”

“Not my fucking problem.” I could really use that flask right about now.

Lila storms off, walking around me, and a moment later, she walks out of the bedroom with the clothes I wore yesterday. She smells them and glares at me. “These smell like a girl.”

“So? That’s what the car smelled like that I rode home in.” That’s the truth, too. The car smelled just like Idaline, and I’m sure that’s who she smells on my clothes. Lila huffs and goes to throw them back into the hamper. “I’ll be back.”

“Where are you going?”

“To work.”

“Wait, we need to have a talk first.”

“What kind of talk?” I ask with a sigh, turning around to face her.

“I quit my job this morning.”

“You did what? Why?” I demand. She was only working two to three days a week; it’s not much, but it’s better than her sitting on her ass at home all the time.

Lila places her hands on her stomach. “Because I’m pregnant. I’m going to be a stay-at-home mom.”

I stare at her in disbelief. So, not only is there a baby, but she can’t work because she’s pregnant and now I have to fully support her too? I can’t deal with this. I turn and walk out before she can stop me. There’s a good chance the mess she made in the kitchen will still be there when I get back, but it might not be.

How am I supposed to leave now? She’s trapped me in a completely different way today. I’m surprised she didn’t say, Sorry, babe, but I want someone to take care of me for the rest of my life, and I picked you. I’ll be at home doing nothing while I’m pregnant and perfectly capable of working. And then I’ll be at home with the baby you don’t want and I only want the baby because it’ll make you stay with me.