When I come back in, Brittany has already popped a pizza in the oven. Tonight’s meal is simple and easy because of how late it is. Brittany begins looking around, peeking into the rooms, and checking out the back porch, which overlooks the mountains.

“How’d you find this place?” she asks, coming back into the kitchen to wrap her arms around my waist.

“My old boss owns it and I called him. He owed me a favor.”


“His wife would come by a few times a week to eat lunch with him. One time, she was talking to all of us about her birthday and dropping hints about what she wanted. He wasn’t paying attention at all, so I had to tell him what she wanted. It was a big birthday for her, so he owed me.”

Brittany smiles. “Look at you. Always coming in to save the day.” She lifts up to kiss me. “Do we have plans this weekend?”

I shrug. “No plans, but the options are be lazy, explore, or stay in bed,” I finish with a grin.

She rolls her eyes and steps away from me to check on the pizza. “I’m going with alternating between exploring and being lazy.”

“We can do that.”

“For tonight, how about we eat this pizza, and then be lazy?”

“Sounds good to me.” So that’s what we do.

“We’re dumb,” Brittany laughs.

“Why is that?” I reach across the hot tub to bring her over to straddle me.

“Because this hot tub is outside, it’s winter, and we’re in it.” She sinks as far as she can under the water, getting up to her shoulders covered. “It’s going to be so freaking cold when we get out. It’ll be like a weather whiplash.”

“The door is five steps away,” I remind her as I let my hands glide up and down her thighs.

“Yeah, five steps away and we have to be careful when we get out so we don’t slip. That’s a good ten seconds that we’re going to freeze our asses off.”

“It’ll be worth it.” It already is if you ask me, because I got to see her in a bikini in winter.

“I don’t know how you’re doing it.” She runs her wet hands over the upper half of my body.

I move to the middle of the hot tub where there isn’t a ledge to sit on and sink until my shoulders are covered. “Happy?”

She grins. “Yes.” Her arms snake around my neck and she leans her forehead against mine. “Thank you for this weekend.”

“It’s not over yet, you know.” We went into town earlier today and saw a few sights. She had a little anxiety this morning, but has otherwise been free of it. School is her biggest source of anxiety. I’m hoping once she graduates, a job won’t fill the void school will leave.

Brittany leans forward, presses her mouth to mine, and kisses me. She pulls away just when it’s getting good. “You looked like you were thinking too much.”

“How did I look?”

She takes a deep breath, and then flattens her lips, pulls her brows together just a little, and stares at me. Then she laughs. “Like that minus the laugh.”

“You’re cute.” I grin.

“And I’m starting to prune. I think we should get out. Oh! How about you get out, get our towels, and come back for me?” When I don’t answer immediately, she promises, “I’ll make it worth your while.”

“Okay, fine, but just so you know, I was going to do it anyway.” She rolls her eyes as she pulls away from me. “Holy shit,” I mutter as I get out. My body went from being warm and toasty to cold as fuck. I snatch a towel off the nearby table, wrap it around myself, and wrap another around my

shoulders. I turn back to the hot tub, lean in to pick Brittany up, and hurry like hell to get inside.

Our teeth are chattering as I place Brittany on her own two feet. I pull the towel from my shoulders to place it around hers, rubbing her arms to warm her up.

“Id-i-ots,” she chatters, causing me to laugh.