“That was too easy,” he chuckles, and I laugh. “There’s one more thing, though.” He takes a moment

for that to sink in before he goes for the kill. “You should ask the psychiatrist about something to help you sleep.”

“You should do that, too.”

Trace laughs. “I will if you will. A good night’s sleep will help you manage things better, Brittany.”

“I’ll call tomorrow. I was trying to push it off for as long as possible,” I confess.

“I know. You don’t like to tackle a problem until it’s too much of a problem that you have no other choice because you don’t like to admit that there is a problem.”

What he says rubs me the wrong way and I don’t respond.


“I hate when you’re right,” I finally say.

“Sorry.” The sincerity in his tone makes me smile.

“Tell me about your family in Texas.”

Trace begins with his childhood and all his fond memories involving his family. My eyelids begin to get heavy around his teenage years and soon, it’s lights out for me with my phone resting against my face.

“Ah, fuck,” a male’s voice groans in my ear. Sleep feels so damn good that I refuse to awaken yet. “Britt? You still there?”

“I’m sleeping,” I mumble, becoming aware of the phone on my face.

He sounds amused as he says, “You talk in your sleep?”

“Mhm,” I hum, causing him to laugh.

“You fell asleep on me.”

Last night rushes back into my head. “Thanks for talking to me until I did.”

“You’re welcome. We should probably hang up now. It’s seven in the morning, in case you need to get up, too.”

“Yeah, probably.”

“Who are you talking to this early in the freaking morning?” Rebecca half-shouts, half-grumbles from behind me.

“Your roommate sounds friendly.”

I can’t help my laugh. “She’s the best. I’ll talk to you later?”

“Yep. Have a good day, Brittany.”

“You too, Trace.” I hang up, thankful my phone was plugged in because it would probably have died otherwise.

“Ooh, Trace,” Rebecca says as I roll over to face her. “When do I get to meet him?”

“Why do you need to meet him?”

She tilts her head and raises an eyebrow at me. “Seriously? It should be obvious.”

It is. It’s probably because of his age and how we came to be. And because she’s my best friend and she wants to evaluate him. “How about I spend more time with Trace before you meet him?”

“Fine,” she groans.