“Tell him. Don’t keep a secret. Granted, my secret was huge and I did sort of try to tell Ian, but I could have tried harder. Tell him. It’s not worth what it will do to your relationship, Julie.”

Deanna nods her head. “If it’s the real thing, don’t wait to talk and don’t keep anything from him. I did it one time with Brayden and it will be the last time. His anger and hurt wasn’t worth it.”

“How long did you keep the secret?” I ask.

“Years,” Sydney answers first and then Deanna says, “Maybe a few weeks, if that?”

“Do you want to talk about it?” Sydney asks.

“No.” Deanna’s hand lands on mine. “You can’t tell us and not tell Collin. That won’t go over well either. Unless you plan to tell him, too?” Then her eyes narrow. “Does this have anything to do with those bruises you had?”

“What bruises?” Sydney asks.

The bell jingles loudly over the noise of the restaurant and draws my attention to the door.

There he is.


He smiles at me and takes a seat at an empty table.


I force myself to focus on the company I’m with. “What if he can’t help me? What if no one can help me?” Dwight has been successfully eluding the police in Florida for months and the police here don’t even know about my situation.

The women exchange a look. “Julie, what is going on?” Deanna asks.

“You know what, forget it. I’ll tell Collin,” I lie. I ask Sydney about her kids and her husband and at least get the conversation on a different topic, although it takes a moment before they go with it.

Our food comes a little bit later. Before we dive in, Sydney needs a restroom break and Deanna says she does too.


If I go with them, I have to walk past Dwight.

If I don’t, I’m left alone.

There is no good option here.

Being near him is as dangerous as staying put. Crowded restaurant and friends near or not, if he wants me to come with him, he will find a way to do it and threaten me in just the right way so I’ll cooperate.

Trust me, I know.

In the end, I decide to stay. Maybe he will watch from a distance. I can’t help but watch him. Wait to see what his next move will be. The moment the women walk past him, he stands and heads my way. A cinder block settles in my stomach. If I get up and make a run for it, he’ll only follow.

Dwight takes Deanna’s seat.

“That was sneaky of you, Julie. Booking a flight to New York, but getting off at one of your layovers and driving to another airport. It took me longer than I’d like to admit to figure out why you weren’t in the Big Apple. But now, I’ve found my angel.” He grins and puke rises in my throat. “Did you like your gift?”

“I haven’t opened it.”

Dwight frowns. “Well, open it when you get home.” His frown deepens. “Speaking of, you need to come back with me. Living with that guy is unacceptable.” He manages a shrug. “But we’ll fix that soon enough. I do like that you’re allowing me to play my favorite game of cat and mouse again.” He checks his watch and stands. “Until we meet again, Julie.” My body turns to solid ice as he leans over and kisses my cheek. “I’ll be watching,” he adds in a whisper.

The door to the restaurant swings closed as my new friends are walking out of the bathroom.

What in the world am I supposed to do now?

Dwight is in his torture-by-watching stage right now. Everywhere I go, he makes sure I spot him. Go to the grocery store with Collin? He’s holding an apple in the fruit and veggie section as if he’s shopping too. Leaving work? He’s parked in a space I’ll have to walk by to get to my car. Go to a game since Collin is playing again? He does one of those stupid dances to get himself noticed and on the big screen so I’ll see him.