“What are we doing?” I ask to get his mind off of what happened with his friend.

“I love my movies and you love relaxing, so we’re going to the movies.”

I glance down at my dress. If I’d known we were only going to the movies, I would’ve worn something else. Sure enough, we arrive at a movie theater, buy drinks and snacks, and then head to our assigned room based on the movie Elias bought tickets for prior to us leaving the house. Not a single seat is occupied, and the seats? They are wide, roomy, comfy, and even recline as the the foot comes up like an actual recliner!

“Get over here, Raelynn. There’s enough room, you can sit with me.”

“No. Someone else will come in and see us.”

Elias simply shakes his head and pats his leg. I’m not sitting in his lap through this movie. He can forget it.

“No one is coming in,” he finally says. “I bought every ticket. It’s only us. Now,” he grabs my hand, “get over here.”

“Why would you do that?”

“To ensure alone time with you.”

“We could’ve watched a movie at home for that.”

Elias shakes his head as if it wouldn’t be the same. I settle on his lap as he presses a button so the foot rises and he reclines in the seat. His hand sneaks up underneath my dress and high up my thigh. When I tense, he chuckles and whispers in my ear, “Relax, Raelynn. Just want to touch you. I’ll keep it PG.”

“I think your hand under my dress automatically disqualifies you,” I quip, but I relax at his words. We may be here and may be alone, but we’re still in a public space. I grab the popcorn from the seat I vacated and begin munching on it while the ads run. “We need to keep an eye on the time. Jackson is supposed to call before he goes to bed.”

Elias pulls his phone out, texts Henry to call his phone instead of mine when it’s time, and sets it on the armrest. We’ll see it light up when Jackson calls.

“Thank you.”

“Whatever makes you happy, Raelynn.”

“You know,” I begin on our drive to Brayden’s to pick up Bree, “my birthday is coming up.”

Raelynn looks over at me. “When?”


She angles in her seat to face me more. “What do you want?”

“Babysitters,” I answer immediately. We need more alone time. “Just not on Friday. I have a game.” After a moment, I add, “Or Saturday. Same issue.” I park in Brayden’s driveway and look at her. “I just want to spend lots of time with you in my bed.”

Raelynn’s cheeks turn pink as she shakes her head at me. “I’ll think about it.”

I laugh, loving that’s her answer. “Let’s get our girl.”

She looks away, but not before I see her grin. We get out of my car and walk up to Brayden’s door. He answers pretty quickly, but without my princess.

“How was she?” Raelynn asks as we step inside.

“She’s a tyrant,” Brayden replies easily.

Raelynn smiles, but I don’t. That’s just mean to call my princess a tyrant. We step into his liv

ing room and there she is. Deanna lies asleep on the couch, Bree asleep on her chest, and Otis lies on her lower body with his head resting next to Bree’s body. Her hand has a good grip on his ear, it looks like.

“She wore herself out playing with Otis. She was a pain anytime Otis had to go out and we separated them for those few minutes. Pretty sure you have to get her a dog, EJ,” Brayden says.

I shake my head. I have enough on my plate, so unless Raelynn wants to conquer a dog, no way.

“Figured.” He leaves the room and a moment later returns with a stuffed animal. It’s a fake miniature Otis. “Deanna sent me shopping, just in case.” He shoves the dog at my chest with a smile and walks over to Deanna. “Darlin’,” he whispers. “The baby’s going home,” he says as he lifts Bree up. Raelynn walks over to help disengage Bree’s fist from Otis’s ear, the dog grumbling, and Deanna wakes up.