She frowns, but nods. Good enough for me. I leave to get Raelynn and Jackson.

“Did anything new happen while we were gone?” Jackson asks, reaching up to tickle Bree’s foot. “We didn’t miss anything, did we?”

“No, Jackson. She’s saving whatever she does next for when you’re here,” I reassure him, causing him to grin. I can’t believe he cares that much. “Come on. Let’s get inside.” Raelynn takes Bree while I get their things.

Bree is ecstatic to see Raelynn and Jackson. She reaches for Jackson, but he’s only held her when he’s sitting down. He doesn’t look like he wants to make an attempt at something different right now either. I think me and him are on the same page. After I drop their things off in my room, I find Raelynn, Jackson, and Bree sitting on the floor. Bree stands in front of Jackson and fist bumps him.

“You can sit here, Raelynn.” I motion to the only empty seat left, but she shakes her head.

“I’m fine down here.”

Bree takes a step closer to Jackson, but stumbles. She falls on her bottom, tears well in her eyes, and Jackson takes her hand. “Falling is okay, Bree,” he tells her. “It means you’re trying.”

My chest tightens at him repeating words I’ve said to him to my own daughter. Bree grabs his hands and between the two of them, she manages to stand again. This time, she walks to him and plops into his lap, laughing.

“Good job, Bree,” he tells her, offering another fist bump. She slaps his hand this time, giggling. Jackson suddenly hugs her and kisses her cheek before releasing his hold on her, except for a hand on her back in case she starts leaning backward.

“Ja-Ja!” Bree shouts, adding in some other words.

Jackson nods like he completely understands her. “I missed you too, Bree.” He looks at Raelynn. “Are we making cookies, Momma? Can Bree help?”

“She’s too little.” Raelynn stands, picks up Bree, hands her to me, and then holds out a hand to Jackson. “Let’s bake cookies.” They leave the room without a second glance.

I don’t even know if I have the ingredients to make cookies. I stand, give Bree to my mom since she holds out her arms for her, and walk to the kitchen. When I see the ingredients for cookies on the counter, even cookie cutters, I tilt my head. “How do I have all of this stuff?”

Raelynn jumps, not realizing I came into the room. “I buy your groceries.” She shrugs and then adds, “You’d want to leave cookies out for Santa, too, even if we weren’t here. I made sure you were stocked on the necessary ingredients.”

Derek walks in as I pick Jackson up to sit on the counter. I’m not sure how she lets him help, but he’ll need to reach the counter at some point, I’m sure.

“So you’re the famous Raelynn,” he says.

Raelynn glances at me. “I guess so.” She hands a measuring cup to Jackson to dump into a mixing bowl.

“Do you play hockey like Mr. EJ?” Jackson asks him.

“Yeah. I play on a different team, though. He played against us around Thanksgiving.”

Jackson looks at me. “Did you beat him?” I love how he formed this question. Not did the Rebels beat his team or did the Rebels win, but did I beat Derek?

“Yep.” I grin and that causes Jackson to smile. He even sticks his tongue out at Derek.

“Don’t tell me that EJ is your favorite player?” Derek asks with a horrified gasp. When Jackson nods, Derek shakes his head. “Oh, Jackson. Buddy, we have to teach you more about hockey and introduce you to more players. Like me.”

Jackson basically ignores that comment. “I like Mr. Brayden too. He gave me a puck one time. He threwed it right over the glass!”

Derek sighs. “Well, what do I have to do to make your list of favorites?”

Jackson shrugs.

“What about your mom? Does she have a favorite player?” Derek asks with a quick glance at me. I glare at him. What is he trying to do?

Jackson focuses on his mom. “Maybe Mr. EJ or Mr. Collin.”

I frown. Collin? Why the hell would he think her favorite player is Collin Kessy?

“I don’t have a favorite player, Jackson,” Raelynn corrects him. “Although, Mr. EJ and Mr. Collin are good choices. Help me stir.” She hands him a spatula to help her stir the mixture they’ve concocted.

“What’s your favorite thing about living here, Jackson?” Derek asks. Why is he grilling the kid? I expected him to ask Raelynn questions, not Jackson. There doesn’t seem to be any harm in them, but I almost want to kick his ass and tell him to go away for being so nosy in this way.