I get the kids together, text Sylvia, and then we’re on our way to her house. But only after I finish packing and loading the car. I can’t stay here tonight, whether Elias thinks I’m leaving tomorrow or not. The idea of spending Christmas with Elias and his family still scares the hell out of me. I’ll figure out another plan somehow.

First, I have to spend some time with Sylvia Boyd.

A woman I presume is her mother answers the door. “Sylvia said she was expecting guests,” she says with a smile. “Come on in. I’ll show you to her room.”

We follow her to Sylvia’s bedroom and the moment she sees us, she shouts, “Raelynn! I’m so happy you’re here!” She pats the bed. “Jackson, you can play with the girls in their room, if you’d like. My mom can show you where their room is.”

Jackson looks up at me. “Play nice, remember your manners, and don’t break anything,” I tell him. He nods and runs off without waiting for Sylvia’s mom to tell him where to go. I walk over to sit next to Sylvia, feeling slightly awkward to be in the same bed that Scott Boyd sleeps in.

“Come here, Bree. Let me see this beautiful face,” she coos, holding out her arms as Bree unsteadily walks on the bed with my help toward Sylvia. “Please tell me something interesting is happening in your life,” Sylvia says to me.

“My life definitely isn’t boring.”

Her eyes light up as Bree plops down next to her and Sylvia rubs her stomach. “Tell me,” she demands.

I decide to start small, get a feel for how it would be to spill my guts to her. “Well, as you can see, Bree is walking a little.” I hand Bree one of her toys before she can start crawling around. “She’s fluent in DaDa, Ja-Ja, no, and she said Wey today. Some other words slip here and there, too. Jackson seems to be coming out of his shell more and more each day.”

Sylvia reaches over and puts her hand over mine. “If I wanted to know about the kids, I’d ask EJ myself,” she interrupts.

“Oh, well...” Am I really about to divulge more? For her? For Elias?

“Don’t feel pressured by me either, Raelynn. Make something up, if you’d rather, I don’t care. Just give me something.”

For some reason, that’s what relaxes me. Bree makes her crying face and I realize she’s missing her nap right now. I pick her up, rest her on my chest, and rub her back. “Jackson’s father is in the picture for the first time. He moved down here once he tracked us down because he’s decided he wants to be in Jackson’s life now.”

Sylvia’s eyes widen. “How is that going?”

“Not so great. We’re probably about to go through the court system, which will reassure me but terrify me at the same time. I have quite a few irrational fears.” I explain more about the situation. Sylvia acts like she’s about to get up, but when I ask, “What are you doing?” she stops and huffs.

“Right. Bedrest.” She looks down at her stomach. “I really love you, baby boy,” she whispers. With a sigh, she looks at me. “Before you leave, you need to get my wallet out of my purse. There’s a business card in there for a lawyer. He’s the best, I promise. Once the holidays are over, call and set up an appointment; mention that Scott and I referred you. He’ll look after you and Jackson.”

“Thanks. How are you doing?” The only piece of gossip I have left for her is Elias and me.

Sylvia rubs her belly once again. “I’m losing my mind, but it’s totally worth it. This is likely a once in a lifetime opportunity here and in a way, I’m cherishing bedrest, even though it’s driving me crazy. I’m ready to have this baby, so I can get back to taking care of my girls and my household instead of just sitting here and watching someone else do my job.” She sighs again, tears trailing down her cheeks. “I’m sorry, Raelynn. I’m a mess lately. This baby boy is determined to make me cry at least twice a day until he comes, which means I cry every time I talk to Scott. I’m worrying my husband to death.” Before I can attempt to cheer her up, she takes a deep breath. “Tell me some more gossip.?


I give her the one thing I know that will for sure brighten her day. “I’m dating Elias; no one really knows.” No need to tell her that Deanna knows, but other than that, no one knows.

Her bright eyes widen and her jaw drops. “No way.”


She pushes and prods for details, most of which I give her. The kids eventually run into the room as I get a call from Elias’s mother, Alice. The family has arrived.

“I have to go, Sylvia.” She makes sure I get that lawyer’s business card before I leave. “Text me if you ever want me to visit again.”

“Thanks for coming over, Raelynn.”

“Any time.”

It actually wasn’t that bad. I don’t know yet if she’ll be a friend like Deanna, but it was nice to cheer her up, especially with Christmas right around the corner.

Alice is the first one we run into when we get home. She scoops Bree from my arms the moment she sees us. “Oh, look at my precious little granddaughter. I’ve missed you so much!” She kisses her on each cheek. “How have you been, Raelynn?”

“Good. Thank you. I hope your flight went well.”

Alice shrugs. “James! Nicole! Get in here and meet Elias James’s nanny and her son.” A moment later, a man and a girl younger than I am walk into the kitchen. “Raelynn, this is my husband, James, and my daughter, Nicole. This is Elias James’s nanny, Raelynn, and her son, Jackson.”