“Or on their way out of the country,” I retort.

“Raelynn,” Elias says softly.

“No! Why aren’t we calling the cops? This is insane!” I yell at him. It startles Bree enough that she cries and I feel terrible. Elias goes to take her, but I pull her closer to me, soothing her. “Please don’t,” I whisper. “I don’t know where Jackson is; please let me hold her. She’s probably the only thing holding me somewhat together right now.” I don’t think I could handle it if he took her from me right now. It sounds completely crazy, but he’d probably have to pry her away from me. I can’t let her go. Not until I get Jackson back.

Elias nods. “Let’s go.”

“You’re sure we don’t need to report this, Elias? Because your plan feels wrong.” His plan makes me want to throw up.

“I’m sure.”

That isn’t reassuring at all. The only thing that will reassure me will be to have Jackson back.

Raelynn almost crawled into the backseat with Bree, but I made her get into the front with me. My excuse is that I need her to help me search the parking lots for Henry’s vehicle. It worked. However, my hand is completely numb from how tightly she holds it. Her other hand has been calling Henry relentlessly. Still no answer. The first two theaters are a bust, but we find his car at the third. If it isn’t for getting out and actually seeing Jackson’s book bag in the backseat, Raelynn wouldn’t have believed it’s his.

She nearly faints with relief right then and there. She sags in my arms and kisses Bree’s cheek, who she let me hold when we got out of the car.

“Let’s go.” She takes two steps, but I grab her hand and pull her back.

“No. We’ll wait here for them.”

“What? How many times do I have to call you insane today, Elias? He took my son without my permission. I don’t care if he was planning to bring him back. I’m going in there and bringing him home.”

“Take a deep breath.” I rub my thumb over her knuckles and absorb her glare as she does it reluctantly. “Think about what you want to do and think about what Jackson thinks right now. He thinks his dad simply picked him up from school and took him out. He doesn’t know Henry shouldn’t have or anything. You don’t want to fuck up their relationship or make Jackson scared to leave with him again. We should wait, take Jackson home, and then deal with Henry separately without ever letting Jackson know something didn’t happen the way it should have. Right?”

She doesn’t seem so sure, so I add, “If you go in there hot, guns blazing, and drag him out of there, you’re going to terrify Jackson. Think about it, Raelynn.”

Her shoulders slowly sag in defeat and she hides her face in my chest. “I hate this. I just want him back with me where he belongs.”

“Patience, grasshopper.”

She laughs and wraps her arms around my waist. “I’m glad you’re here. I’m obviously not as calm or clear-headed in a crisis as I should be.”

My knuckles drag up and down her back. I kiss the top of her head. “Don’t worry about it, Raelynn. I probably wouldn’t be either if I was in your shoes. And honestly, I think the only reason I am calm is because you’re not and my gut told me not to worry.”

“I have a love/hate relationship with your gut.”

“Me too.”

I hold her for about thirty more minutes until I see Henry. I gently nudge her away, knowing she doesn’t want either one of them to see us like that. We step toward the trunk to be in view. Henry sees us first and he frowns in confusion. Raelynn is going to rip his ass a new one when she does finally get ahold of him. Hell, I might before we leave. Jackson sees us a few seconds later. He’s confused, but he looks happy to see us. The moment Henry gives him the okay to run over to us, he does.

Raelynn cries before he reaches us and drops to her knees to bear hug him.

“Why are you crying, Momma?” Jackson asks, wiping her tears instead of hugging her back.

“I’ve had a bad day, baby, but it’s better now that you’re here.” With that, he throws his arms around her and squeezes with all of his might.

“What are y’all doing here?” Henry asks.

“We’re here for Jackson,” I answer, causing him to frown. He definitely doesn’t like when I’m around, but I can’t help it. Well, I probably could, but I’m not today.

“We were going to get ice cream next,” Jackson says with mild protest. Raelynn still has her arms around him.

“Maybe another day, J-man. Your momma wants us to go home.”

“But—” He

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