“He’s going to have dinner with us tonight and you can get to know him. Does that sound like fun?” Jackson shakes his head no. “You don’t want to tell him about all the things you like to do and play with? Maybe he likes the same things.” Raelynn’s eyes widen in horror. “He might not know how to build a fort.” She gasps. “He might not even know what a fort is!”

Jackson doesn’t give a fuck what she says. He leans forward and hides his face again, making Raelynn sigh and look helplessly at me.

“Ja-Ja!” Bree leans over and slaps his back. That gets his attention.

“Maybe you should tell him about that,” I suggest. “That’s pretty cool.”

Jackson holds Bree’s outstretched hand, which makes her happy. He stays silent, though. This may be a disaster if we can’t figure out how to get Jackson to talk.

“You like hockey?” Henry asks him, deciding to take an initiative. “Whose jersey are you wearing?” If he doesn’t watch hockey, he might not know it’s mine. Plus, I can’t remember if I ever told him my last name.

Jackson sends him a look, but I can’t see what kind it is. “Mr. EJ’s.”

And we have contact!

Henry glances at me, but he keeps his face passive. “Is he your favorite player?” Jackson nods. “That’s cool. I bet you know more about hockey than I do. They use a ball, right?” He can’t be that stupid. And he’s not, because he gets Jackson talking finally.

“It’s a puck,” Jackson corrects. “There are three periods.” He slowly turns and angles toward Henry as he fills him in on all he’s learned about the game since living here. Raelynn leans back into the couch, relaxed now that things are transitioning the way she hoped.

Eventually, they move to the floor to build with Legos. Raelynn takes Bree from me, so I can cook the dinner we’re supposed to have. I decide since Jackson’s had a rough day, we can have his favorite: hotdogs and mac and cheese.

Raelynn appears with Bree as I get his plate ready.

“Everything going okay still?”

“Yeah. I was really worried for a second there.”

“You and me both.”

“Momma,” Jackson says as he comes into the kitchen with Henry trailing behind. “Are we going to the game tomorrow?”

“I don’t know, Jackson. It’s a school night.”

“Please? If I can’t wear my jersey to school again, then I have to wear it to the game for the good luck to work. Right, Mr. EJ?” His eyes are so hopeful.

“Don’t bring me into this, J-man. You going to the game is up to your mom.”

“But if I go, you might score two goals.” He even holds up two fingers for emphasis.

I laugh and Raelynn says, “I’m sure your good luck will reach him from here, baby. We’ll watch it on TV until it’s your bedtime.” Jackson frowns. “Don’t pout or we won’t go to a game this weekend. Why don’t you and Henry wash up for dinner?”

Jackson tells Henry to follow him and they leave to wash their hands in the downstairs bathroom. We set the table and everything is ready by the time they return. We start eating and things seem to be going fine.

“Is he moving in?” Jackson asks, pointing to Henry.

Raelynn drops her fork. “What? No. Why would you think that?”

“Bree lives with her dad,” he points out.

“Yes, but you live with me and Henry has his own house. He will come over here to see you and visit with you.”

Henry opens his mouth, but a glare from Raelynn causes him to shut it. Jackson accepts that answer and a few minutes later, he looks at me. “When can we go skating again?”

I briefly glance to Raelynn, but say, “Maybe one day this week.” I don’t know how to schedule time with Jackson when I don’t know how often Henry will want to see him. My answer already has Henry frowning, so I suspect he wants to see him as often as possible. “Maybe

your dad can come with us.”

“I can’t skate,” Henry says.