“I’m sorry you’re here,” I blurt out. “I didn’t know Elias was doing this until about an hour ago.”

“It’s okay.”


Heavy, awkward, uncomfortable silence again.

“What are we doing?” I ask.

Collin laughs. “No fucking clue. I didn’t realize EJ wanted me to do this today until a few hours ago.” He glances over at me before focusing back on the road, apparently driving nowhere in particular. “What do you want to do? EJ said he wanted me to make sure you had fun.”

I frown. “You’re only here because Elias basically made you take me somewhere, right? Not because you want to be on a date with some girl you don’t know?”

Collin winces. “Can I be honest?”


“EJ came to me and my brother, said he wanted one of us to take you out, make sure you had fun. My brother offered me up. I don’t really know what EJ wants out of this or why he couldn’t take you himself, but whatever. I don’t really think it’s a date, but I don’t know. You’re hot.” He shrugs. “It boils down to being whatever you want it to be and us doing whatever you want to do. I’m already here, so I’m down for whatever.”

“You’re one of the Kessy twins.” That’s what occurs to me first. Collin nods. “Jackson is a bit fascinated by the two of you. Not as much as he is with Elias, bu

t... Did he recognize you?”

“Yeah. He’s a cool kid.”

Everything sinks in. This doesn’t have to be a real date. That relaxes me a bit. “We can do whatever I want?”

“Anything as long as I don’t end up in jail.” As an afterthought, he adds, “Or you. EJ would kill me.”

I laugh. “Is there a game on tonight?”

“Most likely.”

“Take me to a sports bar.”

Collin doesn’t ask me why. He just switches directions. I’ve been meaning to learn a little more about the game since Jackson is obsessed, but Elias is always in a game when we’re watching one. Why not learn from a player while I’m being made to spend time with one?

Collin parks in a parking garage downtown and then we get out and walk. The place he brings me to doesn’t look appealing at all, but it’s full of people already. He finds us seats at the bar, makes the bartender change the TV to a game, and then looks at me.

“Now what?”

“Teach me the rules. Well, at least what stuff means when it happens. Jackson loves hockey, but I don’t know anything. He is always disappointed by my ignorance. He’ll be so impressed if I know what’s happening.”

“Okay. I can do that.”

We order food and drinks. I order alcohol for the first time in my life. It makes me nervous, but then, so does being on my first date since high school. Might as well add something else new to the list.

Collin laughs when I make a face after taking a sip of my Long Island iced tea.

“Don’t laugh. I’ve never had a drink before.”

His eyes widen. “You don’t need to start with me. EJ will kill me if I bring you home drunk.”

I roll my eyes. “You’ll be fine. I don’t plan to get drunk either, so relax.”

He doesn’t look like he believes me, but he lets it go. Collin focuses on the reason we’re here. He explains each position and the basic setup of the game. I switch to regular sweet tea after finishing my drink because while good, I really don’t want to drink more than I already have. During a commercial, I look at Collin.

“I’m never going to remember all of this, Collin,” I whine a little dramatically.