I nod. “Okay. Fine. I’ll go.” Like I have much of a choice! I move past him and to the bathroom. If I have to go out with anyone, I’d rather it be with Elias. His reassuring gesture just now reminds me of our hug the other night. He’s been a little handsy lately, but not in a weird or uncomfortable way. There just seems to be more touches between us and it’s blurring the line.

I should not want to go on a date with Elias.

Or think about his well-built body.

Or want to kiss him.

He pays me to take care of his daughter. He’s my friend. That’s it. That’s all there should be. I need this job and the money he pays me more than anything else. My greatest fear where Elias is concerned is losing this job. It’s the best job I’ve ever had, certainly pays the best, and Jackson and I need it too much for me to screw it up by acting on the fantasies I have about my boss.

Who knows? Maybe this date will work out better than we expect.

But my nerves continue to build through my shower, as I half-dress because I decide I don’t like my shirt choice, and finish getting ready in all other areas. I stand in front of my closet and flick through what few choices I have. Maybe I need to spend some of the money I’m making on new clothes for me. I wouldn’t have to go crazy, but I should at least have something to wear on a date!

A light knock sounds on the door. “Raelynn? He’s here.”

“Shit,” I curse under my breath.

“Can I come in?” Elias asks.

I glance down at my bra before quickly grabbing my towel and covering my chest. “Yeah.”

He steps inside. His eyes land on my chest before averting elsewhere.

“I don’t know what to wear,” I confess.

“I figured. You mind?” He points to my closet. I take a step back, my cheeks flushing with a bit of embarrassment because there seriously isn’t much in there. He fills the space with that big body of his immediately, distracting me. I really have to stop thinking about his body and how hot he is. For the most part, I’m able to ignore it, but damn, it’s hard sometimes. A moment later, Elias turns around with a shirt in hand. “This one.”

He rushes out of the room the moment I take the shirt from him. I quickly slip the purple V-neck over my head. The only thing left to do now is go downstairs to meet my date. With a deep breath, I leave the safety of my room.

EJ now holds Bree and talks to a guy about as tall as he is. The guy stands with his hands in his pockets, looking a little nervous. Maybe he doesn’t really want to be here either.

“Are you leaving, Momma?” Jackson’s worried question stops their conversation and alerts them to my presence.

“Only for a little while.”

“I’ll put my shoes on.” Jackson turns, but Elias’s voice stops him.

“J-man, you’re staying here with me.”


“I’ll be back before you can miss me,” I interrupt him, crouching down. “Give me a hug.”

“But I always go where you go, Momma,” Jackson says with confusion as he hugs me.

“You can’t go with me today. Mr. EJ needs you to show him how to build a fort.” Hopefully, Elias won’t mind, but I know Jackson would look forward to doing that.

“I wanna go with you,” he whispers in my ear in this tiny voice that kills me. His arms tighten around my neck until I almost can’t breathe.

I glance at Elias and my date, who both look like they feel bad for Jackson. “Not this time, baby.” I kiss his cheek. “Build a fort with Mr. EJ and think about how many books you want to check out from the library tomorrow, okay?” He nods and finally pulls away. “I love you.”

“Love you.”

I stand and hold my hand out to my date. “Hey, I’m Raelynn.”

“Collin,” he replies as he shakes it. “Ready?”

Nope. Not at all. But I nod and we walk out the door. Once we’re in the car, the silence is super awkward.