Jackson doesn’t wait for me to say another word. He makes a go at unbuckling himself, causing me to laugh and get out of the car to help him. He skips and hops and jumps next to me as we walk inside. We have a little while before any classes start, so the place is mostly quiet at the moment. I get Jackson a pair of rental skates, put them on him, and then put on my own.

He listens attentively, nods his head, and pays close attention to everything we do as I instruct him on what to do. His hands squeeze my fingers for fear of falling, but he doesn’t hesitate at all. He could totally be a little hockey player in the making. What seals it for me is when he glances up at me. Pure wonder, fascination, and excitement shine through his eyes.

“Can we do this again, Mr. EJ?” he asks before we’re even done.

“If you want, J-man, absolutely. You’re doing really great.”

“Can I let go?” His hands tighten around my fingers.

Raelynn would kill me if he fell, but...

I nod and make sure I can easily grab him if he looks like he’s heading for the ice. Jackson’s five-second solo causes him to beam with pride. “Did you see me?” he asks, as if I haven’t been right here next to him this entire time. “I did it all by myself!” You’d think he did a lap around the ice with all of the excitement he has.

“You sure did. Good job, Jackson.”

Once the ice rink is busier, I decide it’s time to head home. We return Jackson’s skates, mine go back into my bag, and then we’re on the way with Jackson asking once again when we can come back. The moment we get home, he races to Raelynn, nearly knocking a hot casserole dish out of her hands in the process. She lifted it up just in time.

“Whoa, baby. Where’s the fire?” she teases him.

“I went skating! And Mr. EJ let me do it by myself!”

Raelynn frowns and glances up at me.

“He was fine. He did great. I brought him back without any scrapes, cuts, bruises, or broken bones.” There’s nothing to be upset about.

She smiles at Jackson. “I’m glad you had fun. Go wash up. Wait!” she calls as he runs out of the kitchen. “Did you thank Mr. EJ?”

“Only a billion times on the way home,” I answer for him. Jackson grins and scurries on his way to the bathroom to wash his hands.

“Thank you for doing that for him.”

I shrug. “I knew he’d enjoy it.” I pick up Bree and kiss her cheek. “How are you doing with everything?” I ask Raelynn.

“Fine. Thanks for helping me with that, too.”

“No problem. Any time.”

Jackson jogs back into the room and we sit down at the table to eat. The s

ense of accomplishment and pride I feel when Jackson talks to me like he normally talks to Raelynn is odd, but I don’t care. He can talk his head off to me all he wants. I’ll listen because that means he’s more comfortable here and around me.

Later, Raelynn and I sit next to one another on the couch. Bree has one foot on each of our legs and Jackson is somewhere behind the couch, popping up in random places as he plays Peek-a-Boo with her. While he does that, Raelynn tries to get her to say her first word.

“Come on, Bree.” Raelynn points to me with her free hand. “DaDa. DaDa. DaDa, DaDaDaDaDaDaaaaa!” she sings, causing Bree to giggle and speak some gibberish. She tickles her stomach and says, “Bree, Bree, Bree, Bree, Breeeeeeee.” My princess claps her hands and jumps a little. Jackson pops his head up between us with a “Peek-a-Boo!” shout, absolutely thrilling Bree. “And there’s Ja-Ja-Ja-Jackson!” Raelynn finishes.

Jackson crouches behind the couch again and Bree leans toward where he disappears. “Ja-Ja! Ja-Ja!” she squeals.

My eyes widen. I take her completely and hold her up into the air. She grins because she can see Jackson again. “Did you hear her? She just said her first word!”

“What?” Jackson asks with confusion, walking around the couch.

“She said your name!” I exclaim.

“She didn’t say Jackson,” he argues like I’m a huge idiot.

“She said Ja-Ja. That’s you! Didn’t you hear your mom? Ja-Ja-Ja-Jackson?”

His eyes widen for the second time today as he looks between the three of us. “I’m her first word? Momma? Did you hear that? I’m Bree’s first word!” He points to himself in wonder.