The smile she gives me is wondrous. “You will make your mom very happy.”

That’s the least I can do after all she’s done for me. I’ll figure out how to adjust.

Mom and Coach Hall sit too close for comfort on the couch when we emerge from the bedroom. Coach’s expression doesn’t change, but Mom’s

face lights up when she sees us.

“Is your headache gone?” she asks.

“Yeah. Just needed to rest.” I sit in the loveseat and pull Deanna down next to me. “Sorry about earlier, Coach. It’s good to see you again.”

“You can call me Perry. It’s good to see you again too. Looks like my coaching paid off with you.”

I chuckle. “Yeah, I guess so.” I’m not sure I can call him Perry, boyfriend of my mom’s or not. He’s always been Coach Hall to me. I don’t know if that can change after three decades.

“What’s it like down there in North Carolina?”

“Warmer than it is up here. The weather’s great there.” Deanna squeezes my hand like I should say more, but I don’t know what else to say. This is fucking awkward. “Deanna’s lived there all her life.”

I release a breath as the questions are now directed at her and Coach Hall learns about her instead of me. The main question swirling around now is why did Mom keep this from me? And why did she decide to finally tell me?

“Brayden, do you want to help me with lunch?”

“Yeah.” I want answers. Once we’re safely in the kitchen and away from Coach Hall and Deanna, I say, “What the hell, Mom?”

She sighs. “You never did see me with men when you were growing up and I didn’t know how to tell you. Perry wants to marry me; he was tired of waiting. It was past time to tell you. I figured you would react as you did or worse.”

I glare at her. “I could’ve reacted properly if you had warned me that I was meeting your boyfriend. You didn’t even give me that much of a warning. You two were just standing there. I’m not that good of an actor to plaster a smile on my face for appearance purposes.”

“I’m sorry. I knew the moment you interrupted me it was the wrong decision. You’re happy for me, though, aren’t you?” The worry in her eyes fills me with shame.

“Mom, you raised me. What do you think?”

She smiles and hugs me. “I’m very happy, I promise. And he’s a complete gentleman.”

“That’s good, Mom. I’m glad you’re happy and with someone. You deserve it.”

“So do you. What did you get Deanna for Christmas?”

I shrug. “Some presents.” She’ll find out soon enough. “I will tell you this.” I take a deep breath. “I’m thinking of asking her to move in with me.”


“What do you mean ‘already’?”

Mom hesitates to answer. “You and Deanna have had some issues.”

“Your point,” I push her along.

“You shouldn’t rush into anything.”

“How long before Perry moved in here?” I ask, his name sounding odd to my ears.

A blush unlike any I’ve ever seen before burns my mom’s face. “That is none of your business.” She turns away from me, which in combination with her answer, only makes me want to know more.

“Mom, tell me. I should know before I give you away at a wedding.”

She glares at me. “Two weeks.”