Now, we’re in the air and on our way to Michigan. Deanna squeezes my hand, which is in her lap, and I glance over at her.

“Do you think Otis will be okay with Collin and Cal?”

I laugh. “Yeah, darlin’.” She’s like a mom leaving her newborn for the first time. She was giving the guys instructions on how to care for him, telling them about his favorite toys, and making sure they knew he could be on the furniture...while he was currently standing on the couch, making that pretty obvious. Thankfully, the guys nodded seriously at her every word. “What did you get me for Christmas?” I ask to distract her.

She rolls her eyes. “Gifts are supposed to be a surprise. Unless you plan to tell me my gifts, then I’m not telling.”

“Fair enough.” That was the answer I expected anyway.

“Are you excited about coming home?”

I sigh and lean my head back against the headrest. “I don’t know. I feel like something’s up, so in that regard, no. Otherwise, yeah. I always like coming home.”

“What makes you think something is up?” Deanna rests her head on my shoulder as her free hand starts drawing circles on the topside of my wrist.

“Since I’ve been in the league? Haven’t been to Michigan for Christmas. Mom hasn’t asked me to come home, so I always fly her out to see me. Wouldn’t you think something is up?”

“I see your point.”

“At least if something goes wrong, you’ll be with me.”

At that, she lifts her head to show me her smile. “And I’ll do my best to be helpful.” She quickly kisses me before resting her head on my shoulder again, content with sitting like that until we land.

Turns out, my gut feeling was right. Confusion swamps me when we spot Mom waiting by baggage claim with a man, who looks a lot like my very first hockey coach, Perry Hall.

“Who is that with Maryann?” Deanna asks.

“Looks like an old coach. What the fuck is he doing here?”

“Be happy for her,” Deanna says quietly right before we reach them.

Her comment confuses me further. What is there to be happy for my mom about? Mom steps forward to hug me, but my eyes are on Coach Hall. What the fuck is he doing here? That’s the big looming question.

“I’m so happy you’re here!” Mom gushes and she turns to Deanna to hug her. “You too! I’m glad you came! Who is with Otis?”

“The Kessy twins offered to take care of him.”

“That’s good.” Mom steps back. “Deanna, this is Perry Hall. He coached Brayden a long, long time ago. Brayden, you remember him, don’t you?”


Deanna squeezes my hand as she shakes his hand and they exchange a few words.

“Well, let’s go!” Mom says with a big smile on her face. She’s not going to explain his presence? What the hell?

We follow them outside to a vehicle that most certainly is not my mother’s, which means it’s Coach Hall’s. As he pulls out of his space, Mom turns to angle in her seat and look at me in the backseat.

“You’re probably wondering—”

“Yeah,” I interrupt, wishing she’d get on with it and glaring at Deanna when she squeezes my hand in a death grip again.

“She’s my girlfriend,” Coach Hall speaks before Mom can.

I blink and stare at Mom, who watches me carefully. My brain explodes. Mom? Girlfriend? Boyfriend? Coach Hall? What the fuck? I don’t understand. Has Mom dated since I was born? I don’t remember ever meeting a boyfriend before. Or her going on dates. I rub my forehead as pain bursts forth behind it. I don’t understand. I simply don’t understand.

“That’s awesome,” I hear Deanna say. “How long have you been dating?”

“Three years,” Coach Hall answers.